Sunday, November 20, 2016

5 Must-Watch FasterEFT YouTube Videos of November 2016 by Robert Smith

Robert is always busy filming and posting free videos talking about the wonders of FasterEFT on YouTube. To date, you will find thousands posted on YouTube, from clips extracted during live seminars, interviews to testimonials and discussions on how to overcome life problems.

The FasterEFT YouTube Channel has about 10 million views, making us one of the most watched and subscribed YouTube Channel on healing using tapping and memory reimprinting. This post sums up the Top 5 must-see videos he’s recently recorded. There will be more of these kinds of posts on this blog in the coming weeks, curating only the best videos about Faster EFT you can find on YouTube.

1. Robert Smith explains how to address sexual issues like Erectile Dysfunction and Vaginismus

Learn how our sexual abilities are wired and programmed within the mind. Robert Smith has a long track record of working with people who have issues with sexual performance. Since the mind is the root of all our desires, sexual included, its fulfillment or failure to function is also found in the mind. Mastering your mental programming can lead to wonders in addressing sexual issues. 
  This video answers a question from an avid follower. Robert came up with the best explanation of why cases of erectile dysfunction and vaginismus are actually issues with mental and sexual programming. Discover the wonders of Faster EFT Tapping on sexual problems.

2. How do I address my money issues? Robert Smith describes how to use Faster EFT

Discover the interesting and highly efficient belief system of Faster EFT in attracting money into your life. Robert answers a question from another follower who is currently struggling from financial worries and wonder how FasterEFT can change the issue. Is it really possible? 
Yes! The reason Faster EFT works well is not solely dependent on tapping, just like what Robert Smith talks about in this video. FasterEFT solves the puzzle of problems structured within the mind. It is a system of highly effective processes and techniques that help people collapse the structure of financial problem in their lives. The mind is everything, so once the idea of having a “money problem” is collapsed mentally, absolute reality will work its wonders and allow goodness and abundance in. It is a natural Law of the Universe and is immutable.
The section “Everything is Mind”, in the article Faster Explains Why It Seems Hard to Be Happy for Some People, explains this well.
Discover why your unconscious mind is the Law of Attraction machine through this video.

3. Change your mind, change your life by Reimprinting your inner world with Faster EFT

Robert explains how he uses tapping in order to calm himself and also mentions the different kinds of tapping used in Faster EFT. This video is focused on memories, how memories we have recorded since birth are stored within the mind and used to structure our idea of reality. Discover how to change memories and why it cannot and will never change the past. But changing a memory can ultimately lead to a change in your perception about the past and discharge negative emotions associated with the memory, so it no longer has a bearing on your current life experience.
The best thing about [memory reimprinting] is that it helps people get rid of distortions about their current life experiences that are based on the memories held as facts by the unconscious. This video is really a step closer to positive life transformations.

4. Faster EFT Fibromyalgia Testimonial – Natural Cure with No Pills

In this video Robert shares a testimonial about someone suffering from fibromyalgia, who has been helped by Faster EFT to overcome the dreaded disease. This is a must-watch video because he explains how to handle cases of fibromyalgia using FasterEFT. Freeing people suffering from chronic pain has been FasterEFT’s goal since its creation and introduction to the public. Since then, it has been the miracle people have been wishing and hoping for. It has delivered results for many fibromyalgia patients, where other healing processes ran on empty promises. Discover through this video why it works and how it works.

5. Discover how your mind creates Greatness/Miserableness with FasterEFT

Discover the profound teaching on how we are programmed to function the way we do. How we come to understand how the world works and with that, how we create our own reality. Whether your life is miserable or great, it is all caused by the mind and through your unconscious programming. Discover ways of recreating aspects of your life that you are not pleased with. You will find valuable lessons on the simple truths Robert has discovered throughout his life.
Hope you enjoyed this list and if you haven’t yet, make sure you sign up for the 7 Day Quick Start Course for free if this is your first time here! We hope you enjoy not just videos but lessons to make positive life transformations that create an impact.

FasterEFT – The Ultimate Training Course

The “Ultimate Training Course” is a home study course with over 100 hours of instruction and insight into the FasterEFT-style tapping style. The course contains 94 DVDs (over 100 hours of comprehensive training), 2 Audio CDs, 3 course manuals , three books and more (see below for more details) – delivered to your door anywhere in the world.

This course will give you the information, tools and structure you need to make profound changes for yourself, your family and clients. Currently this home study course allows you to qualify as a level III (Track B) FasterEFT Practitioner.

If you are one of those whose life is full, busy and have responsibilities to where it would be difficult to spend seven days training, then the Ultimate Training Course is perfect for you. You can watch the training in the comfort of your own home and in your time.

This course will help you start making changes for yourself, your family and clients. Since FasterEFT is a growing process, it is always giving you the cutting edge in personal transformation and change.

With FasterEFT we have a support system that will aid you in your education and personal transformation with our support groups and trading sessions with other practitioners all for free. It is a part of our thinking system to help each other. We are making a difference in the world because it starts with ourselves. So, welcome to the FasterEFT Family of Friends.

Join us on Facebook and follow FasterEFT on Twitter so you do not miss an update! 

5 FasterEFT Memory Reimprinting Facts You Should Understand

Some people may wonder what memory reimprinting is really all about, why it is necessary and why those who are currently experiencing very negative mental states and disorders need it. Consider this post as an overview of Faster EFT memory reimprinting.
This is not a guide to the process of memory reimprinting but an overview of some facts that lies within the Faster EFT belief system about memories and how they play out an important role in our everyday lives. 

Here are the 5 FasterEFT memory reimprinting facts that you should understand:

1. Matrix Reimprinting is NOT FasterEFT Memory Reimprinting

Matrix reimprinting operates with energy systems in the body and unseen version of reality called the “matrix” in which a fragment of self may be trapped dues to an experienced trauma during childhood. These fragments are called “ECHOs”. In order to reimprint memories, each individual ECHO has to be addressed, your number of ECHOs is relative to the number of traumas experienced.

On the other hand, Faster EFT operates within physical and mental mechanics with emphasis on the unconscious mind as the storage of our memories in which beliefs about how the world works originates. Memory reimprinting in FasterEFT addresses the main issues which eventually leads to the collapse of the whole structure of the problem. 

They share a similar goal to bring wellness but operates on two different belief systems of how the mind and reality works. Because of this, there is a huge gap in terms of speed in delivering lasting results.

2. Tapping in FasterEFT Memory Reimprinting is Used for De-Fractionation

While you are tapping through the meridian points used in Faster EFT Memory Reimprinting you are using the “de-fractionation” method. This is a highly effective method to break your current trance off the problem, it changes the connection in the brain while it also changes the physiological state of the body as it lowers down stress responses.
As you repeat the phrase “Let it go.” You can add variations like “It’s safe to let it go.” To gain better understanding on “de-fractionation” method, please click here.
In other healing processes and systems, the use of tapping is solely focused on altering and fixing energy flow.

3. Faster EFT Memory Reimprinting “Flips” the Unpleasant Memories

As a result of what was mentioned earlier, “de-fractionation” technique flips memories. In FasterEFT “flip” means changing or reimprinting a good memory. As flipping of memories spontaneously happen, you can always go back to the tapping process to check if there are still memories charged with unpleasant emotions, you can repeat the process until all the memories are flipped.
This technique is also called the “bad-good collapse” technique, this is the process of introducing a good memory charged with positive emotions to the mind.

4. FasterEFT Does Not Subscribe to the Idea of Broken People

Painful experiences contribute to the archives of unpleasant memories within your subconscious mind, these types of memories are used by the mind to trigger responses in times of danger to protect itself.
Since the subconscious does not have logic in triggering mental and physical responses, often even without actual danger we have highly stressed reactions. In some cases, like in several cases of PTSD and other mental disorders, these memories keep on replaying like a looped video causing the person to be unable to distinguish present reality from a painful past. 

So, it is right to assume that there is only a programming or a wiring “glitch” in the mind that needs realignment. Unlike what other modalities belief system, in FasterEFT your mind cannot be divided, broken or shattered, you are whole, no part of you can be lost in time and space, otherwise you are functioning as an incomplete person now. 

Faster EFT belief system disagrees to that, you are whole, and because of that you can fix yourself and get rid of the memories supercharged with very negative emotions through FasterEFT reimprinting.

5. FasterEFT Memory Reimprinting Understands the Trances You Inhabit

Because Faster EFT understands the trances that we are in and out of in in every moment, it has a full understanding of its role in our consciousness and how it is structured to make us function normally. In other words, your responses of resentment, anger, sudden sadness are also coming from the same area of the mind. You react to some unpleasant experiences like you do not have a choice because it is how the mind has programmed itself. 

In other words, reimprinting memories where these unpleasant emotions are being withdrawn by your consciousness can benefit you so much by allowing good things to happen. It can align you to the goodness that the world has to offer more than just clinging to unpleasant memories of the past. 

These are only the 5 FasterEFT memory reimprinting facts that you should understand. If you’d like to learn more you can always start a free 7 Day Quickstart Course in which all the basic information about FasterEFT will be covered including how to start making positive life transformations now.
The FasterEFT Official Facebook Page will allow you to connect with the entire community and family of friends, please do not forget to visit and like. Do not miss an update, follow @fasterEFT on Twitter.

Friday, November 11, 2016

30 Must Read Articles About Faster EFT Tapping

Everyone in the Faster EFT Family continues to believe that the best way to reach those who truly needs healing is through the effort of providing important and valuable information as opposed to just making the landing on pages intended for marketing.
As we continue aiming to have you join our rapidly growing global family of healers and followers, we strive to regularly publish the best articles that promotes well being.

This is our October 2016 roundup of the 30 Must Read Articles About Faster EFT Tapping:

1. The Faster EFT Architecture of Sustainable Happiness

Robert Smith’s work for almost 2 decades has been focused mainly on building effective architecture of happiness within our lives. His courses are designed to teach us how to be liberated from common to complex life hurdles including all illnesses rooted within the mind.
This article discusses how FasterEFT came to be the only healing process that produce lasting results with a goal to make everyone achieve sustainable happiness throughout their lives.

2. 6 Scientifically Proven FasterEFT Life Hacks That Promote Happiness

FasterEFT is the only healing modality that publishes free life hacks using meridian tapping to overcome problems. Learn the 6 life hacks that are backed by science and are found within the system in which Faster EFT operates.
3. 10 Things Happy People Using FasterEFT Do Differently
When people start to use FasterEFT changes and transformations begin to manifest within their lives. In short they are not only free from their illnesses and pains, they become happy people because of using Faster EFT. We round up characteristics that are common among people who use Faster EFT and in this article, we share how they achieved happiness even when dealing with the most stressful situations or familiar negative habits.

4. FasterEFT Explains Why It Seems Hard to Be Happy for Some People

Wonder why some people just cannot be happy? Since Faster EFT holds a complete understanding on how problems are structured within our minds and lives, we discuss why it is difficult for some to achieve happy state, or at least hold it for a while. Through this article you can learn where the source of unhappiness is and how to collapse the negative structure that feeds negative perceptions.

5. The Acupressure Points Tapped in FasterEFT Explained

Understand the value of meridian points used in Faster EFT tapping and how it is different from other healing processes that involves tapping. Discover the use of the tapping points and their ideal and conventional purpose, how Faster EFT developed its tapping process to make use of these points to help in changing our mind’s perception of negative experiences.

6. FasterEFT Defines the Meaning of a Cult and Why It’s Impossible to be One

There has been a stack of awkwardly false information published about FasterEFT that only became a joke within the global holistic healing community. We accept the challenge with a strong foundation on the truth, and this article is published not to be defensive but to just clarify things with our new followers and subscribers.
As a family of healers, we believe that smear campaigns are only among the many signs of our success. FasterEFT is a distinguished healing process and not a religion, this article will help enlighten anyone about the issue.

7. FasterEFT Can Help You Realize a Better Future by Letting Go of the Past

The past has no bearing to your future and those negative events in the past you keep on clinging to and replaying within your head, is that which makes it difficult to achieve your desired outcome of a better tomorrow. This article will help you learn to let go, how FasterEFT can help in releasing negative perceptions about how the world works by collapsing the structure of your negative thinking.

8. The Effects of FasterEFT on Children – Dominique’s Story

Dominique shares her story on how she came across FasterEFT and how she used it to change young lives. Because FasterEFT is a process with focus on calming the mind, it can aid in changing negative though patterns, restore good energy flow and allow us to live in the present. Discover the benefits of FasterEFT not just for adults seeking peace but also for children in promoting good behavior.

9. How FasterEFT Ends Traumatic Stress Responses

FasterEFT has a complete understanding of how experiences, traumatic or positive, affects our current state of mind. In this article, you will discover how Faster EFT came to be very effective in dealing with Traumatic Stress Responses especially PTSD.

10. FasterEFT Explanation on “The Interdependence of Our Experiences”

The one thing that sets Faster EFT apart from other forms of mind-body healing is that it’s main focus is with the subconscious mind. This article discusses the importance of releasing negative memories from experiences that gives rise to negative thought structure. Discover how experiences become the basis of our individual reality.

11. The FasterEFT Memory Reimprinting Belief System Compared to Matrix Reimprinting

Memory reimprinting is a vital process within FasterEFT in handling stress responses coming from extremely negative experiences. There are other systems of healing that incorporates memory reimprinting, but Faster EFT is very different because it operates within tangible physical mechanics and able to deliver the technique without confusing ordinary people with no background in healing or psychology.

12. Discover and Learn the Truth and Science Behind FasterEFT

Faster EFT is a healing system that operates within proven scientific knowledge. This article will discuss what made Faster EFT one of the most talked about and applied mind-body healing programs across continents.

13. FasterEFT Gives You All the Power You Need to Change Victim Mentality

Victim mentality is a very limiting mindset, discover the power to step out of always feeling like everyone is against you. This article will give you a better perspective on why you must always choose empowerment over victim mentality. Discover how to change from feeling like a victim to an empowered individual by using a method proven to deliver results quickly.

14. The Best of FasterEFT is Now Available for Everyone

This post is an overview about the best of FasterEFT Downloadable Collection. We are reaching about 10 Million YouTube views yet the best materials with focus on techniques and deeper understanding about this wonderful healing process is not all publicly available. Download the best of Faster EFT and enjoy the Robert’s valuable teachings in life transformations even when you are on-the-go.

15. FasterEFT Gives the Freedom You Deserve, Discover the Ultimate Healing from Your Pain

Experiencing chronic pain all the time feels very limiting. Thousands of people have already benefited from FasterEFT in releasing them from invisible illnesses, from migraines to Fibromyalgia. Stop pain today, discover the safest pain remedy without dependence on drugs. You deserve wellness, you deserve to be free from pain.

16. FasterEFT Perfect Love, Imperfect Relationships Brings You Back to Love

Discover your way back into love. Discover Robert’s powerful teachings on how to handle relationships and redefine the meaning of romance, love and relationships in your life. The perfect love, imperfect relationships is a FasterEFT course that gives you everything you need to better understand your current relationships status.

17. FasterEFT Gives You the Key to Healing Relationships

Discover the key to healing from previous traumatic relationships. Sometimes we think we are making conscious choices, but the truth is, we are functioning based on our previous experiences that our mind perceives valid and true.
This is how the body’s mental system by default keeps us from harm, which is great. However, there are memories that we cling into that no longer benefits all aspects of our lives, among those are memories from relationships. Discover how to let go and heal your relationships without having to compromise your happiness, or your partner’s happiness.

18. FasterEFT Ultimate Weight Loss Course is Focused to Make Immediate Changes

Weight loss has been one of the greatest challenge for most people. Reducing weight with no exercise, no pills and without taking weight loss inducing supplements sounds like an idea that will never work until Faster EFT.
The ultimate weight loss course is designed to deliver results faster because it teaches weight loss hacks unlike other weight loss programs. This course will change your perception about food and give way to a healthier lifestyle. This article will give you more information about this course.

19. FasterEFT on Healing Your Body, Mind and Soul

It is clear that in order for healing to take place, there has to be an alignment between the mind, body and soul, otherwise, lasting healing is not possible. Discover through this article the wonders of Faster EFT in creating a balance between your body, mind and soul to promote lasting healing.

20. Faster EFT Sets You Free from Pain – The Language of the Body Video Series

Be pain free now! Unravel the mysteries within the mind that contributes to manifestation of pain in your body. This article gives a clear understanding about how pain is created in the mind, how illnesses causes pain and how you can set yourself free through the Language of the Body Series by Robert Smith.

21. The Faster EFT Ultimate Training Course: Learning and Certification

The ultimate training course offered by Faster EFT offers home study learning and certification. This will take you up to becoming a level 3 FasterEFT practitioner, while taking your lessons at the time most convenient for you. This article will give you an overview of the many questions about this course and why it remains as one of our best-sellers of all time.

22. Faster EFT Gives You the Key to Spiritual Understanding and Mental Prosperity

Unravel a whole new concept toward the path to abundance. Discover keys to spiritual prosperity explained and taught like never before. Abundance is a state of mind more than it is a physical state, Robert will teach you how to make changes in order for you to achieve that state in no time. This article gives you the first steps into life transformations.

23. The Faster EFT Life Changing Weight Loss Hack That Will Change Your Life

Be slimmer and stay slim by understanding the FasterEFT weight loss hack that is not only changing body shapes but ultimately reshaping your health positively. Discover the key to losing weight that other weight loss programs fail to recognize and deliver. This article is your first step in becoming a brand new you.

24. 10 Confidence Boosting Tips from Faster EFT

Confidence is a key player in achieving success. The 10 confidence boosting tips delivered in this article will help you redefine your way of life and allow you to have better social interactions at work or wherever you are.

26. Faster EFT Hack on How to Make the Law of Attraction Work

We attract everything in our life experience, The Law of Attraction is a very good thinking system and Faster EFT can teach you to how to make it work. If you feel stuck in applying the law of attraction in your life and it appears to not be working, discover how Faster EFT can make it work through this article.

27. The Faster EFT Gift of Change – Life Hacking Your Way to Abundance

Improve your mind, empower your life by unpacking Robert’s Gift of Change. Discover wisdom about how you can make life transformations to create positive changes in your life beginning today. We guarantee, the moment you learn how to collapse your negative thought structure, your perception about life will change and allow abundance to come into your life.

28. Faster EFT Program to Overcome Grieving After a Loss

Do you find it hard to get over grief after losing someone? Or perhaps you know someone who needs help? This article will help you discover the meaning of living again after losing a relationship, a loved one or anything that made you feel stuck and unable to bounce back to normal life.

29. Transforming Your Life with Faster EFT Online Program

Learn how Robert’s Course called “Transform Your Life with Faster EFT” can teach you how to make positive life transformations.

30. What Happens to Your Brain with Faster EFT?

Learn what happens to your brain when using Faster EFT techniques. This article also discusses how Faster EFT came to be the most popular Faster EFT and effective stress busting process today. The mind is the workshop for FasterEFT that is why it is no wonder how it positively impacts the brain.

Want more? Don’t forget to bookmark the Faster EFT Official Blog and FasterEFT Medium Publication. The Faster EFT editorial team is always working to deliver you the best information about Faster EFT, Tapping and holistic health.
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