Sunday, October 23, 2016

Discover Juli Call's Journey to Freedom From Pain through FasterEFT

uli Call’s story is one of the most inspirational in the recent Las Vegas Seminar for Level I Faster EFT training this October 2016. She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 26 years ago.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome is among the incurable diseases that causes pain all over the body. Medically speaking, it is an illness in the musculoskeletal system that causes a person to ache all over.
Juli was relatively new to Faster EFT after her sister encouraged her to try EFT which she researched a lot, making her stumble upon Robert’s videos. Her first introduction to Faster EFT Training was only the free materials found online that are regularly updated. While there is a huge difference between the two modality, Juli was more drawn to Robert’s profound teachings.
She explains in the following video how she suffered for more than 2 decades of pain and survived surgery after surgery and finally set free from pain through FasterEFT.

A Closer Look at Fibromyalgia Syndrome

When a disease is termed a syndrome, medically speaking, it means that there is a set of symptoms exhibited by the patient.
With Fibromyalgia Syndrome the following symptoms commonly occur together:
  1. Anxiety and/or depression
  2. Decreased pain threshold of tender points
  3. Extensive pain
  4. Incapacitating fatigue
It is common among patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia to be suicidal. Just like what Juli shares in the video above. The feeling of incapacitation due to pain may result for a person to lose hope, given that modern medical science still offer no cure.
Just like what Juli was trying to say, the only way to somehow escape the pain is taking prescribed anti-depressants and pain killers. Most fibromyalgia patients just grow tolerance with the medications and as dosage increase, risks from the side effects also increase after prolonged use.
It is true what Juli says that it appears like you just need to endure the pain while knowing there is no cure.
Luckily though, she discovered Faster EFT and liberation from the lengthy suffering of over 25 years. Feeling younger, looking younger and regained her vitality, she is facing the world as a new person. Same body, no pain. Same mind, no more suffering.

How Faster EFT Offered Freedom From Fibromyalgia?

FasterEFT believes that fibromyalgia is disease directly related to the mind and its physical counterpart, the brain. We all have tendencies to be physically sick, mentally ill and emotionally suffer. These tendencies come into fruition when we begin to allow mental patterns to take over without control and allowing those of negative nature to gain dominance.
It may seem that we all make conscious decisions all the time, but we don’t. We function based on the data held within the layers of our consciousness.
Faster EFT is a tool to examine every layer paying more attention to the subconscious mind which is the reference for most of our conscious thoughts and actions.
Robert Smith, founder of Faster EFT has a huge collection of free materials, if you are quite new to Faster EFT Tapping, start here.
If you take control and release the source of negative thought patterns, you have the power to transform the mind and if not totally eliminate the physical and mental illnesses right away, reduce its manifestation and liberate you from pain.
Fibromyalgia is just another form of illness rooted within our subconscious mind causing the body to feel paralyzed and experience extreme pain. Faster EFT may sound magical but it has a lot of science into it.
In greater understanding that the brain is in fact the mind in action.Anything that the mind dictates the brain, including release of biological chemicals that makes us feel good or bad will directly affect the body. This is the mind-body link which is best discussed in this article.
In short, freedom from Fibromyalgia, just like what Juli has experienced is freedom from the negative records held within her subconscious causing her brain to function more in alignment to wellness and away from the dreadful disease.
Any form of suffering, not only Fibromyalgia is knotted within the layers of consciousness with its roots in the subconscious.
Just like what Juli explains in her video, freedom from pain is possible. There is hope for anyone not just those inflicted of the same illness as her. There are a lot of Faster EFT information available for free, it is aimed to help and free anyone from whatever they are going through. Get your free course here.

We would love to have you join the conversations in the Official FasterEFT Facebook Page and also in Twitter. Dont Forget to like and follow.

Originally published at on October 10, 2016.

FasterEFT Benefits Discussed by a Life Coach, NLP Practitioner and Hypnotist Luke Benoit

Faster EFT has been getting a lot of attention from all walks of life globally. In the recent Las Vegas Seminar, October 1–7 a hypnotist, NLP Practitioner and Coach — Luke Benoit, who has been an avid follower of Faster EFT finally got the chance to attend one of Robert Smith’s Live Faster EFT training.
He has been following Robert and Faster EFT for quite some time but never really had a chance to attend a live training and was learning only through our online resources. While you can learn so much through paid and free Faster EFT resources online, live seminars are just even more powerful.
In the video below he shares his wonderful experience with Robert and Faster EFT.

The Benefits of Faster EFT

It is wonderful to hear Luke talk about how he also deals with common and complex life hurdles like depression, anxiety and trying to be physically fit. The benefits of Faster EFT in depression and anxiety is undeniable. You can find a lot of videos and testimonials online from people who are raving about it.
FasterEFT deals with anxiety and depression from its root cause. It is non-invasive like what modern medications offer and best of all, it rids exactly what triggers it from deep within the layers of our consciousness.
FasterEFT deals with the subconscious mind, the place where we contain most of our memories that serve as the basis of our automatic response to everything in life. That goes with whatever we consider as our disorders or our strengths. We all function based on the health of our mind.

Faster EFT Tapping

Luke talked about the benefits of having a tapping partner. While FasterEFT tapping done alone can benefit one person so much, tapping with a partner can help you achieve breakthroughs. This is what was mostly covered in the 7-day Las Vegas seminar.
The breakthroughs that people acquire through live seminars of FasterEFT are life changing. Luke explains about how he cannot think of anyone who doesn’t need these tools to overcome a lot of obstacles and challenges in life.
In the video above, he talked about a boy who was suffering from a lot of social anxiety, fears and phobias who was able to achieve dramatic changes within the 7-day program in Las Vegas.
How is that possible? Faster EFT may sound magical, but the truth is, how it evolved to become Faster EFT is no magic at all. Robert combined the most effective elements of EFT, BSFF, NLP, spiritual understanding, science and the mind’s great ability to transform itself.
Because of this, changes in behavior and mental activities can happen in a very short period of time and if practice is continued, it can help anyone not only cope with disorders but totally eliminate them. Anyone can understand how these changes happen and experience it through a free online course.

Faster EFT is a Life Changing Experience

Not only people like Luke benefits from FasterEFT, not only people who are able to attend live seminars are able to experience this immense changes in their lives. Everyone can try to make changes in their lives using these advance techniques developed by Robert Smith.
Faster EFT is a modality that subscribes to the idea that the mind has the power to make changes not only to our physical bodies but also changes in our behavior and mental functions.
Faster EFT can help anyone deeply understand the meaning of spirituality andliberate us from the suffering caused by physical and mental illnesses. Faster EFT is a tool, and it is a tool available for anyone who seeks beyond healing from illnesses, but those aiming for great positive changes in their life.

You may join the conversations in Official FasterEFT Facebook Page, Medium and Twitter. 

Originally published at on October 9, 2016.

Why Faster EFT is the Safest and Risk Free

What are the dangers and risks in Faster EFT? To understand the dangers of Faster EFT it is important to understand what it is and how it works. There are certain key elements to FasterEFT that form the structure of the modality.
Created by Robert G. Smith, FasterEFT works with the subconscious, using the mind-body connection to make core changes to automatic programs and patterns. These changes result in powerful transformation in all areas of life. So, should you heed a warning about Faster EFT? What are the risks in Faster EFT?

The Foundation Elements of FasterEFT

Every individual is responsible for, and has power over, their own life experiences.

One of the benefits of FasterEFT is the fact that it empowers the individual. Rather than relying on someone or something outside of yourself, FasterEFT allows you to take control by taking responsibility. Remember, responsibility is not the same as blame! Some may misinterpret this part of the modality as “blaming the victim” or being “victimized” but there is a very powerful difference:
Imagine you’re a passenger on a boat; and the boat is being tossed around by rough weather and high tides. So, you’re at the mercy of the elements and can’t choose where you want to go.
Then, someone points out to you that there’s no-one at the helm, and in fact you are the captain of that boat. Now, you didn’t know you were the captain — no-one told you — so, it’s not your fault the boat has been tossed around and you’ve been experiencing the consequences, BUT you now have the choice! And isn’t that great?

Warning About Faster EFT

Some people may feel angry at being told they’re the captain — they may feel they’re being blamed for the damage the boat has sustained. They may feel they’re being blamed for the damage the boat continues to experiencewhile they learn to take the controls.
Because of that, they may refuse to accept responsibility for the boat. In this case, they continue to be a passenger; the boat continues to be buffeted by the elements; and that individual continues to be at the mercy of the rough weather and high tides. These are the perceived dangers of Faster EFT.


On the other hand, some people understand that finding out that they are the captain gives them the power to take over the controls of the boat — without any blame for the journey so far.
There is no blame because they didn’t know they were the captain until now. So, they take the helm, and they start to steer the boat in the direction they actually want to go. These are the benefits of FasterEFT.
Those who refuse to take on their role of captain may feel that those who pointed out to them that they are the captain are dangerous. However, there is no danger in taking control of your own boat. In fact, the danger is in remaining at the mercy of the rough weather and other elements.
The boat is, of course, your life. Robert Smith has pointed out that you are the captain; and that, while you are certainly in no way to blame for what’s happened to you so far, you now have the power to take that helm, and steer yourself out of it!
While some may consider this dangerous because of their fears of being responsible for their own boat, you have the option to allow yourself to take control and choose freedom.
Faster EFT benefits anyone who takes responsibility for their own experiences, and chooses to make the changes that will free them.

What makes a problem a problem is the observer’s perception.

How do you know something is a problem? If you start to become aware of how you know, you’ll notice it’s because you feel something, or you remember experiencing something.
In other words, somewhere along the journey of your life, you learned it was a problem. But you’re usually consciously unaware of this. It has become an undeniable fact.

The Truth About “Right and Wrong”

For example, why is lying a problem? If someone lies to you, why is it a problem? You may feel betrayed or disrespected. Or you may just “know” it’s wrong. But how? Where did you learn that lying was wrong, or that being lied to means being disrespected or betrayed?
The idea that lying is wrong is not a universal truth (even though it seems that way to many people). A baby is not born with the understanding that lying is wrong. Some people see lying as a clever tactic.
And how do you decide what kind of lying is wrong? Some people believe that it’s not wrong to lie if you are protecting someone’s feelings, or if you’re protecting someone’s safety. Others believe all lying is wrong, and honesty is the only option. So, what makes the difference?


Your experience of life so far has resulted in “evidence” or “proofs” that your subconscious refers to as the truth of your realityWhat makes this evidence so real and irrefutable is the fact that it is accompanied by feelings. When someone lies to you, you know it’s disrespectful because your subconscious has records that prove it’s disrespectful (based on life experiences), and it has prompted your brain to trigger your organs to produce the chemicals that make you feel disrespected.
This is the case with every response to the world around you. The great news about it is: you can change that proof! You can change the records held in your subconscious that tell you that you should feel or respond in a certain way. Why would you want to do that?
To gain more control over what you choose to experience. For example, feeling disrespected or betrayed, or angry is not a pleasant experience. It affects your health and your choices, decisions, and results in other areas of your life. And, most importantly, it does nothing to change the situation.
Your feelings of being disrespected or betrayed will not undo the lying. It will not even make someone stop lying if they choose to continue. So, all it does is damage you and cause you suffering. If, however, you choose to use FasterEFT to change those subconscious records that “prove” that lying equals disrespect or betrayal, you are free to choose how you feel and how you respond.
You are no longer at the mercy of others. This means that instead of being unable to avoid feeling bad, you will be free to simply get on with making the logical decisions you need to make, regarding whatever is happening — in a calm, happy and empowered way.

The Risks in Faster EFT

The only risks in Faster EFT are to the old patterns, old programs, and old problems. As you take responsibility for cleaning up the subconscious records you hold (a mess for which you are not to blame, but which you have the power to clean up — no-one else will clean it up for you) you will experience incredible benefits. The warning about Faster EFT is that you will need to be prepared to take responsibility for your own life. And that’s a very empowering thing to do!
The bottom line when it comes to Faster EFT benefits is the fact that YOU are in control. It’s all up to you. Are you ready to take the helm of your own boat, and steer yourself to where you want to go?
No-one outside you can make you do anything. In fact, no-one and nothing outside you can even make you feel anything! Feelings happen inside you, and they are the result of your perceptionYour perception is created by the subconscious records you’re holding.
Change those, and everything else changes automatically! You have the power to free yourself. Will you use it?
For more information on how subconscious records are created read: What Determines Your Character and Personality? and How FasterEFT Solves the REAL Cause of All Your Problems.

We would love to have you in our Facebook Page and join the conversations. Also please don't miss an update, follow us in Twitter. 
For guidance on using FasterEFT read: The FasterEFT Technique — Step-by-Step.
To see FasterEFT in action, watch the videos in the FasterEFT YouTube Channel.

Originally published at on October 7, 2016.

FasterEFT Gives you the Key How to Move on From Your Painful Past

Faster EFT is one of the most effective ways of freeing ourselves from the past. The past is over, so why doesn’t it feel that way sometimes? Traumatic and hurtful experiences leave their mark long after the event itself has passed. Emotional trauma literally changes the brain. In addition to this, the subconscious files its interpretation of the experience — to serve as a foundation of “evidence” for the future.
These are more than just memories; these are references that determine our choices, decisions and behaviors throughout our lives. Forgetting the past with Faster EFT changes those references, and frees you from the same recurring patterns and traps.

How the Past Affects You Today

The truth is, the only moment that is real is the present one. The past has gone, and the future isn’t here yet. The only moment you have complete control over is now. And it’s what you choose to do with now that makes all the difference to your quality of life! Every time you remember an experience of physical, emotional, or psychological trauma, you are putting yourself through the event again. The event is not happening right now; but since your brain and body cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination, they will react as if it is happening right now.
The people and circumstances that put you through the original experience are no longer here — they cannot fit inside your head, it’s only you in there! So, who’s doing it to you now?
Every time you recall that emotional trauma, it is now you doing it to you. Because it is your thinking that is causing the physical reaction in your body. The great news about this is, it means you can also choose to stop experiencing it! You can’t change the past — it’s over — but you can choose to stop repeating it in your mind.

How Can Faster EFT Help?

It may seem difficult at first, to control your focus. You may feel that your mind has a mind of its own, and you can’t choose to ignore the horrible experience you endured.
However, FasterEFT can help you to change this. Faster EFT helps you to change the original data — the original records that your subconscious is referring to. And once those records are changed, you will find you are no longer haunted by the psychological trauma and physical trauma you’ve been carrying with you all this time.
Forgetting the past with Faster EFT is the most effective way to free yourself from the cycle of detrimental patterns and experiences. Because FasterEFT works with the subconscious, it goes directly to the source of the problem. Just like changing the program on a computer, or changing the songs you have loaded on your iPod or phone. Once Faster EFT helps you to make those changes, you will automatically be experiencing different results.
Regardless of the type of traumatic experience you’ve gone through, FasterEFT can be used to address the memories that are haunting you. The simple technique allows you to feel the feelings for the last time, and then clear them by changing the original data.
Naturally, this won’t change what happened, and you will still know what really happened; but you won’t be carrying it around with you any longer. Byflipping the memories, you will be giving your subconscious new, positive and empowering data to refer to. And this will result in your making different decisions and choices, taking different action, and of course feeling completely differently — automatically.

Here’s an Example of How it Works

Jennifer is still haunted by an incident that happened when she was in school. She tries not to think about it, but it was so horrible that it has stayed with her, in the background all these years. It has affected her confidence, her health, her emotional wellbeing, relationships, and her ability to earn a decent living.
Jennifer decides to get some Faster EFT help. After learning how to use the technique, she takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, and notices how she knows the traumatic event happened. It’s too scary to go to the memory; so she simply notices how she knows it happened. She feels her heart-rate increase; she feels an anxiety in her stomach; and she notices her breathing is shallow.
Jennifer simply notices these things, and then — taking her focus off the problem — she uses the FasterEFT technique to tap through the meridian points. After taking a deep breath, saying “Peace” and then going to a happy memory, Jennifer returns her focus to how she knows the traumatic event happened. She notices what’s different, and repeats the process.

The Next Step

Once the effects of the emotional trauma and psychological trauma have reduced to zero, Jennifer ventures into the memory. Forgetting the past with Faster EFT means tapping on every aspect of the event. She notices the visuals, and taps. She notices what she remembers hearing, smelling, and anything else she has recorded — and taps until it’s all changed.
By the time Jennifer has finished, the memory has flipped to something good. Instead of the traumatic event, the memory is now of a fun activity with friends. Naturally, Jennifer still knows the traumatic event happened; but it is no longer running on automatic. Her subconscious is now referring to data that provides different “evidence” of who she is and how the world works. And this has an automatic knock on effect on her confidence, health, and overall wellbeing — which of course affects all areas of her life.
For more information on how subconscious records are created, and how Faster EFT helps change them: What Determines Your Character and Personality? and How FasterEFT Solves the REAL Cause of All Your Problems
For detailed guidance in Forgetting the past with Faster EFT: The FasterEFT Technique — Step-by-Step.

Join our growing Facebook Family and never miss an update by following us in Twitter. 

Originally published at on October 6, 2016.

Lives Changed and Transformed by FasterEFT

When Robert Smith first started searching for ways to help his wife and himself, he had no way of foreseeing the lives changed by Faster EFT since. Countless people — most of whom have never even met him — have completely transformed their lives in a wide variety of ways.
From emotional trauma and physical ailments, to relationship issues and financial patterns, Faster EFT has empowered individuals to take control over their own life experiences.

“A Laundry List of Diseases”

Heather McKean had suffered from a wide range of conditions throughout her childhood. By the time she was an adult, the list of diseases just got longer and longer.
Having tried all medical options, under the care of specialists, and having tried as many alternative treatments as she could find, Heather finally found Faster EFT. Attending her first FasterEFT live event set Heather on the road to a full recovery.
Read about one of the most remarkable lives changed by Faster EFT in Heather’s story here: From Being Carried to the Bathroom — to Traveling the World!

Trauma, Illness, Injury and Disease

When Tiffany Jeffers found FasterEFT, she had been suffering from over 50 medical conditions that included: arthritis; severe fibromyalgia; chronic fatigue; spinal cord and neck injuries; IBS; and asthma.
Having lived in extreme pain for so long, Tiffany attended a Faster EFT seminar, and started to work on her traumatic memories. As she cleared and flipped the memories, her physical symptoms began to subside.
Although she has medical records that can be measured in pounds, three years later, she has no symptoms at all and takes no medication. Read Tiffany’s inspiring story here: From Severe Pain and Wanting to Die — Faster EFT gave me a Dream Life with no Medications! — Tiffany’s Story

Free from Lupus

When Rose attended her first FasterEFT training, she had to be wheeled into the room because she was so ill. She had lupus, and had been through surgery for a spontaneous fracture in her back.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease with no known cure, and although Rose was continuing to follow medical advice from her doctor, she had come to find out if Faster EFT could bring her some relief. Rose now no longer shows signs of lupus. Read her full story here: Faster EFT Shares the Story of Rose From Being Wheeled into a Seminar in a Wheelchair, to Freedom from Lupus

Kids’ Lives Changed by Faster EFT

Speech therapist, Sara Prové works with children aged from 13 to 21 years who have moderate mental retardation. She has been using FasterEFT to help kids with a range of different challenges — from a fear of heights to grief and loss.
Teaching the children to tap on themselves using the Faster EFT process, Sarah has helped them to overcome the debilitating emotional challenges that have been holding them back. Read read the full details here: From Stress, Sadness and Shame to Happiness — FasterEFT and Kids — Sara’s Story

Faster EFT Provides Relief for a Veteran Suffering from PTSD

Traumatic war experiences had Renaldo Phillips to suffer terrors, traumatic images and feelings. He had gone through the VA system, but had seen no relief from the symptoms of PTSD. In just three days, using Faster EFT, he was able to free himself completely. Listen to Renaldo share his experience here:Veteran Shares his Experience of Using FasterEFT for PTSD.

Free from Feelings of Being Abandoned

Having lived a life of feeling abandoned since suffering severe burns at four years old, LaRue frees herself using FasterEFT and is now living a happier, healthier life. You can listen to LaRue talk about her experience with Faster EFT here: Free from Feeling Abandoned and you can watch her session with Robert Smith here: I was feeling abandoned until today and FasterEFT did it for me!

I Cried for 15 Months Straight Every Day Over Trauma

Nutritionist, Juliana had suffered for 15 years from a trauma. After using FasterEFT to address and flip the memories, she no longer has any of those emotions and is free. Listen to Juliana share her experience here: I cried for 15 months over a Trauma and today Faster EFT cleared it out! Watch Juliana’s session with Robert Here: How to Free Yourself from Rejection and Trauma

Weight Loss and Insomnia

After the death of her father, Patricia was unable to sleep. For 28 years she could not sleep without taking sleeping tablets. After using FasterEFT, she not only was able to sleep again without medication, she lost 12 kilograms in excess weight. Listen to her sharing her story here: Weight Loss I Lost 26 Pounds Plus 28 Years Insomnia is Gone FasterEFT

Fear of Heights

She’d fallen off the roof of her home, broken her elbow, severely bruised and traumatized. Every time she tried to climb a ladder, she would go into fight or flight. In fact, even just thinking about climbing it would put her into a straight of intense fear.
When she got home the night after using FasterEFT to address the fear, she climbed the ladder, even though it was dark, and experienced no fear. The next day, she climbed onto the roof again, and for the first time since the accident, she was unafraid. Hear her story in her own words here: Fear of Heights Gone in 13 minutes

Faster EFT Changes Lives of Addicts

Whitney was in the long-term drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, Habilitat because of her addiction to heroine, meth and marijuana. Faster EFT allowed her to address the core drivers of her addiction, and when she was tested after her session, there was no sign of the addiction. Watch her experience here: Helping a Heroin & Meth Addict to clear out the cravings with FasterEFT

Freedom from Heroin Addiction

Nicholas had been a heroin addict for 13 years before he met Robert Smith and agreed to try FasterEFT. After using Faster EFT, Nicholas’s life has completely turned around, and he is no longer addicted. Watch him sharing his experience here: Nick, a heroin addict, is freaked out with the FasterEFT Tapping Addiction process.
These are just a small sample of the lives changed by Faster EFT. If you’d like to find out how you can transform your own life, read: How FasterEFT Solves the REAL Cause of All Your Problems.

We would love to get in touch in Facebook and Twitter. Don't miss an update by liking and following us. 

Originally published at on October 5, 2016.