Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Is Changing Your Memories Bad? Faster EFT Explains

The key to real and lasting transformations in all areas of life is changing memories; but how ethical is it to make those changes? Even though changing memories can solve all kinds of problems, many people are hesitant to do so because it seems unethical or wrong in some way.
So, let’s look at exactly what it means to change your memories, what the consequences can be, and whether or not it is unethical.

What Are Memories?

Before we can consider whether or not it’s ethical to change them, we need to take a look at what they are. Memories are our representation of past experiences. Notice, they’re not a record of those experiences; they are our representation of them.
Unlike a camera, the human mind filters experiences and gives them meaning — and then files the meaning, not the facts. Think of filming a scene using a black-and-white film. The camera is not recording the scene exactly as it is; it is filtering it and recording it without the colors.
When you watch a black-and-white movie, you are not seeing an accurate record of the original scenes.
When you replay your memories, you are seeing them, not only through the filters they were originally recorded, but also through subsequent filters. Each time you revisit a memory, it changes. You see it through the filters of all of the other experiences you’ve had since then.
For example: Andrew and his friends were caught shoplifting when he was 16. It was a traumatic experience for Andrew since he’d never done anything illegal before. The two friends he was with were more experienced, and so the event was less intense for them.

Conflicting Recollections

Later, as an adult, Andrew and his friends talk about the incident; and Andrew realizes his memory of the event is quite different to that of his friends. When he replays that memory, he remembers the security guard who caught them threatening them, whereas his friends don’t remember that at all.
His friends say they remember another friend of theirs was waiting outside, while Andrew cannot remember that at all. He remembers they were alone in the room with the security guard, who had a mustache, for an hour. One of his friends remembers that the security guard was clean-shaven. He also remembers that a cashier was in the room with them for the first 20 minutes; and that their parents then joined them.
The other friend remembers that the person in the room with them was the store manager; and their parents arrived 10 minutes after they were taken into the room.

So Who’s Right, and Who’s Wrong?

Andrew is certain his memory is true — he knows that it is an accurate record of what actually happened. His friends know that their memories are the real record of what happened. The truth is, the details of what actually happened are most likely completely different to what any of them remember. Each person is recording the experience through their own unique filters; and each individual’s subconscious is giving meaning to the experience based on the records they already hold.
In addition to this, each time they go back to that memory, they add something or leave something out, or automatically change it in some way. These changes will often be based on the compounded experiences they’ve had since the incident happened. For example: Andrew may have had an experience a few years ago with a boss who intimidated him, and who had a mustache.
His subconscious may have connected the way he felt around his boss with the same way he felt when he was confronted by the security guard. This may have resulted in his subconscious adding a mustache to the security guard in that memory.
The human mind is dynamic and constantly changing, and there is no consistency as far as memories go. Recalling a memory is not like playing a movie. Each time you recall a memory, your brain is putting together all the separate pieces. In other words, each memory is assembled from scratch every time you revisit it. And, over time, those pieces and the way they’re assembled will change depending on all other factors in your life at that time.

Why Change Your Memories?

Naturally, you won’t want to change your good memories; however, changing your bad memories — or those memories that support limiting beliefs and perspectives — can completely transform your life. Memories form the foundation of what we perceive to be “reality”. They provide “evidence” of what is true for us.
Our memories provide “proof” of who we are, and how the world works.If you are carrying a memory that provides “proof” that you aren’t good enough to achieve your goals, your subconscious will be referring to that memory as the truth. It will then prompt your conscious mind (through your body) to take actions and make decisions based on that “truth”.
Change that memory, and you change the prompts. And that will change your behaviors and actions, and in turn, your results. Read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems and What Determines Your Character and Personality? for more information on how the subconscious creates these records, and how they affect daily life.

But is it Ethical?

In order to consider whether it’s ethical to change memories or not, let’s look at three main truths:
  1. Memories are not accurate records of the past. In fact, they are highly unreliable, and are constantly changing automatically.
  2. Memories are not real. They are no longer happening, except in your mind.
  3. Memories are the records to which your subconscious is referring — which affects the results you experience in all areas of your life.
Changing memories is simply changing your preferences. No-one is relying on your bad memories to record history (and even if they were, they would be inaccurate), and they are no longer real.
No-one else can see your memories since they’re in your own mind. They are there purely for your own viewing pleasure (or pain). You are the only one who is affected by them, which means you have no obligation to anyone else to keep them intact.


Imagine you receive an iPod that has folk music on it; but you want to listen to classical music — you would need to replace the folk music with classical music. There’s nothing unethical about it; and there’s nothing ethical about continuing to listen to folk music just because it happens to be what’s currently on the iPod, even though you would rather be listening to classical music.It’s the same with your memories.
If the results you’re experiencing in life are not what you want, then continuing to suffer through them because you feel you shouldn’t change the memories that are causing them is like continuing to listen to music you don’t want to listen to because you don’t want to change what’s loaded on the iPod.
Changing the memories that are causing the results in your life that you don’t want is the way to transform your life, and create the life you really want. If you still feel resistance to changing your bad memories, but you really want to change your life, use the FasterEFT technique to clear that resistance.
For more information on how and why FasterEFT works, visit The FasterEFT System.
For detailed guidance on using FasterEFT read: The FasterEFT Technique — Step-by-Step.
To see FasterEFT in action, watch the videos in the FasterEFT in Action Playlist.

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