Monday, October 3, 2016

Reduce Frustrations Using Faster EFT

One of the things you can count on in life is that you will, at some point, encounter something that frustrates you. It starts from an early age. As toddlers, we are introduced to this particularly intense emotional state; and although we learn to control it, most of us continue to experience it at least occasionally throughout our adult lives.
The problem with frustration is that while you’re feeling it, it can be very difficult to see a way out of it – unless whatever it is that seems to be causing it changes to fit your desire. The interesting thing about frustration is that it can also take you right back to toddlerhood!
The overwhelming feeling that you might burst at any moment can mean it takes you all your willpower and control to resist bursting into a full-blown tantrum – no matter how old you are now. Most of us are able to resist that impulse, but the effects of that emotional state are no less damaging.

Frustration and Your Body

Frustration is a stress state (no surprise there!) that causes the body to trigger the fight-freeze-or-flight response. Occasional short-term periods of frustration are harmless, and can even be helpful in certain circumstances. However, frustration that is prolonged or frequent and uncontrollable can cause a lot of damage.
When you feel frustrated, your heart rate increases, blood is pumped away from your organs to your extremities (part of the preparation for fighting or running away – associated with the fight or flight response), and the activity in the prefrontal cortex of your brain shuts down. There are a lot more effects of the fight-or-flight response, but these are a few examples.

Frustration and Your Brain

The prefrontal cortex is where you do your cognitive thinking; so, apart from the damage to your physical health that can occur from prolonged the fight-or-flight state, while you are in that state you are incapable of thinking clearly. The prefrontal cortex is also involved in problem-solving and communication.
This means that while you are in a state of frustration, you are not able to see solutions the way you would if you were feeling calm; and you are not able to communicate and reason as well as you normally would. The state of frustration effectively hobbles your ability to think logically, find solutions, and negotiate. This is one of the main reasons that transforming frustration into calm is a priority – to allow you to resolve the problems effectively and quickly.

What Causes Frustration?

You may think that frustration is caused by whatever it is that frustrates you; however, this is not actually the case. Frustration is caused by your perception of that thing, and then your body’s response to that perception. The fight-or-flight response occurs in response to your perception, not the thing itself. A person who is used to a fast internet speed may become frustrated when they encounter a very slow service. On the other hand, someone who is used to dial-up internet will not feel frustrated with slow broadband. The person who is used to dial-up has a different reference for the speed of the internet.
Expectations play a big role in frustration; and our expectations come from the data we hold in our subconscious. The records that we carry that the subconscious is constantly referring to in order to determine how we need to respond, form the foundation of each person’s individual, unique reality. When these records are changed, the expectations change; and in turn, the response change automatically.

But I’m Right to Feel Frustrated!

You may be right; you may have every right to feel frustrated. The question is, do you want to experience the side-effects of frustration? If frustration could change the situation or make others do what you want them to do; if it was some kind of magic power that made things happen, then the price of the unpleasant feelings, the stress, the damage to your health, and the effects on your ability to think clearly and communicate effectively may be worth it.
However, frustration is not an empowering or productive emotional state; in fact, it is quite the opposite. This means that no matter how right you may be, it makes no sense to cause damage to yourself and risk negative effects on other areas of your life by holding onto your prerogative to feel frustrated. It makes far more sense to find a way to free yourself from the trap of uncontrollable frustration.

How to Free Yourself from Frustration

Since frustration is caused by records in the subconscious, the only really effective way to free yourself from frustration is to address and change those records. Using FasterEFT, you can work with your subconscious to make the changes necessary, that will mean you no longer automatically feel frustrated. And that will mean you are able to remain in a calm state, with your cognitive thinking intact – allowing you to perform and respond more effectively to resolve any issues, to find solutions, and to handle difficult situations and people to your own advantage.

Using FasterEFT to Change the Records that Are Causing Frustration

Take a moment to think about what makes you feel most frustrated. It may be certain people, specific behaviours or habits, or different challenges and circumstances or areas – such as technology. Think back to an experience you felt this frustration (or imagine an example scenario) and write down the feelings, thoughts and reasoning around that experience. Write down what it is about this event that makes you feel frustrated, and any supporting reasons.
Now, notice how you’re feeling, and think back to any early experiences with the same feeling. Does this remind you of anything from the past? It may not have had anything to do with the current subject or area, but if the feeling was the same, it will be part of the support structure for the frustration you’re feeling.
If you have an early memory, use that; if not, just go to the earliest one you have (even if it was just last week). Next, use theFasterEFT technique to clear and flip that memory. Do the same with any other memories and thoughts that come up during the process. Make sure you completely flip the memories before you stop. For more information on flipping memories, read:Why do We Flip Memories in FasterEFT?

Moving Forward

From now on, whenever you find yourself feeling frustrated, nip it in the bud, before it gets too intense, and use the FasterEFT technique to clear it. If you can’t tap physically because there are people around, use Mental Tapping.
For more information on how the subconscious records are created and the effects they have on daily life, read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems.
For detailed guidance on using the technique, read: The FasterEFT Technique – Step-by-Step.
To see FasterEFT in action, watch the videos in the FasterEFT in Action Playlist.

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