FasterEFT is a collection of new cutting-edge techniques and processes that integrates the most effective elements of EFT, BSFF, NLP, spiritual understanding, science and the mind’s great ability to transform itself.
If you’ve been using the FasterEFT technique on physical pain, and you’ve found that there seems to be no change in the pain, that doesn’t mean it’s not working — it means you need to adjust your aim slightly. Physical pain is controlled by the brain, even though the cause of the pain may be physical.
In other words, even though you may have physically hurt yourself, the feeling of pain would not be there if the brain were not processing it. In addition to this, a lot of pain — especially pain caused by tension, inflammation, and illnesses such as Fibromyalgia — has an emotional source.
And this emotional source is the result of records held in the subconscious. Change the records, and you change the pain.
Why Hasn’t the Pain Gone?
You may have been tapping on it, and found that it either hasn’t gone completely, or hasn’t even changed. If this is the case for you, it’s time to look at how you’re aiming. Aiming at the pain itself will work sometimes; however, if there is something more deep-rooted, you’ll need to adjust your aim in order to succeed.
How to Adjust Your Aim
There are a few questions you can ask yourself that can help you to hone in on the cause of the pain:
When did the pain start — or rather, when did you notice it?
What else was happening around that time — if there was anything at all that may have been a challenge, take your focus off the pain for the moment, and use FasterEFT to address that memory.
Is the pain on the left or right of your body? It may be in the middle of course; but if it is on the left or right, this may be a clue you can use to find the original source. Although this is not always the case, the left-hand side often represents a female problem (an issue with a female in your life — or yourself, if you are a female) while the right-hand side often represents a male problem (a man or boy in your past, or who is in currently in your life — or yourself if you are a man). If, for example, the pain is on the right side, ask yourself what male you are either currently experiencing challenges with, or who you had problems with in your earlier life. Notice the memories that come up; and then, taking your focus off the pain for the moment, address those memories using FasterEFT.
Do you know anyone else with this type of pain — either from your past or present? If so, use FasterEFT to address the memories of that person. You could also ask yourself when you noticed that person’s pain, and what was happening at around that time — and flip those memories.
What does the pain remind you of? If the pain were a person, who would it be? If the pain could speak, what would it say? How would you describe the pain (stabbing, dull, pressure…) and what does that description remind you of? For example: if your pain felt stabbing, is there someone you believe is “stabbing you in the back” by betraying you? If it is a pressure, are you under too much pressure in some area of your life? If so, take your focus off the pain for the moment and address those situations and issues using FasterEFT.
Once you have fully flipped the memories related to the answers to the above questions, go back and notice if the pain has changed. If it has, notice what’s left, and tap that out until it has completely gone.
If it hasn’t changed, ask yourself the questions again. If you like, take a break and do something else, then come back later and continue from where you left off. Or, find one of the videos on YouTube in the Pain Playlist, and tap along with that until you notice a shift.
If you are still not noticing a difference, or the pain won’t go completely, you may need some outside help. Very often we can’t see things inside ourselves from our own current perspective. A certified FasterEFT practitioner will be able to use extra FasterEFT techniques and processes that will help you to access the original cause more directly, and resolve it.
Whatever you do, don’t give up! Reach out if you need help — post in theFasterEFT Forum or in theFacebook Group; speak to a Certified Practitioner; attend a Live Event — whatever it takes to free yourself from the pain. There is absolutely no need for you to carry on suffering. You can do it, you may just need a little extra help.
Although problems with weight have causes that are subconscious, the great thing about FasterEFT is that you don’t need to know what those causes are in order to address them. As with all issues you address with FasterEFT, you start with how you know it’s there. The reason you eat more than your body needs will be one or more of the following:
1. You have a strong emotional connection with food — this is often rooted in a relationship with someone from your past who you felt close to, of whom you have fond memories connected to a specific type of food, or food in general.
2. Food has become an escape for you, from emotions that feel bad. You may find yourself, consciously or unconsciously, finding relief or solace in food. You may find that when you feel upset, lonely, angry, sad, anxious, stressed, or any other negative state, you have a desire to eat; and that eating provides a temporary good feeling or relief from the bad feelings.
3. You feel pressured into eating. You may have been trained to finish all of the food on your plate, and to not waste anything — even when you are no longer hungry. You may feel obliged to eat socially — for some, refusing someone’s offer of food or not cleaning the plate is considered an insult; and for some, refraining from eating when everyone else is eating can mean feeling left out, or being nagged to take part by those around them, feeling they should eat even when their body doesn’t need the food.
The First Step
The first step to losing weight using FasterEFT is becoming aware of when you eat despite not being hungry. In other words, start paying attention to what’s happening, what you’re thinking, and what you’re feeling when you choose to eat when you’re not hungry. What are the circumstances?
Who is it that you do this with (if anyone)? What do you feel just before you eat when you’re not hungry? How does eating make you feel in this situation? And what do you tell yourself that gives you permission to eat when you’re not hungry. Make notes of these answers so that you can address them effectively using FasterEFT.
Step Two
The next step is to go through your list, and notice any memories you have that are connected to each answer. Then, use the FasterEFT Technique to address each one and flip it. When addressing relationships and the connection between love from those you were close to and food, make sure you put the love back where it belongs — with the person rather than the food.
Feel the love for that person, and feel the same love coming from them to you. Although the subconscious has connected that love with food, it is not the food that contains the emotion; it is the connection with that person.
Step Three
From now on, whenever you find yourself wanting food, ask yourself if you’re actually hungry; and if you are not hungry but still want the food, make sure you tap out the feeling of wanting to eat in that moment.
Many people feel they are cursed, and some have spent a lot of time and money trying to have their curses removed. What is a curse? How does it work? And how can you free yourself from a curse if you have one?
The truth is, no matter what curse you may be carrying, you have the power inside you to free yourself — if you know how. Understanding what a curse is and how it is created is the first step in setting yourself free
What is a Curse?
Although the traditional understanding of curses is that they are something supernatural that is done to someone, the truth is — a curse is created inside the person who is cursed. Whatever the symptoms of the curse may be, there will be something inside the person suffering from them that supports those symptoms.
Change that data, and the symptoms will change automatically. To find out exactly how this data is created, and how it affects daily life, read:The REAL Cause of All You Problems.
If a curse is placed on someone, it can only have an effect if that person’s subconscious has the data to support it. For example, if someone believes they’ve been cursed to never enjoy success or happiness, and their subconscious contains the “proof” and the feelings to support that “truth” then it will prompt the body and conscious mind to make choices and take actions that will result in maintaining that “truth”.
On the other hand, a person whose subconscious does not contain that “proof” will appear to be “protected” from the curse — since their subconscious will be prompting the body and conscious mind to make choices and take actions based on what it holds rather than what the curse is intended to inflict.
How to Lift Any Curse
If you believe you’ve been cursed, there are a few simple steps you can take that can set you free — forever! Although these steps may challenge your existing beliefs, it is well worth allowing yourself to open up to empower yourself.
Step One
Think about how you know that you are cursed. Notice the details of how you know. Do you know anyone else who is cursed? How did you find out about this curse? How did you find out that curses are real? Notice how you feel, and make a note of any memories that come up.
Step Two
Now, use the FasterEFT Technique to clear and flip those memories, feelings and thoughts. Make sure you address each memory, and keep repeating the process until you not only no longer feel the bad feelings, but the memory has completely flipped. The aim is to get to the point where you know that you are blessed instead of cursed.
Step Three
From now on, whenever any thoughts, feelings or memories come up about being cursed, use the FasterEFT technique in the moment to clear and flip them. If you are in public, or can’t tap physically for some other reason, useMental Tapping instead.
Remind yourself — a curse can only affect you if you have the subconscious resources to support it.Change the resources, and the “curse” disappears!
For more information on FasterEFT and how it works, visit: The FasterEFT System.
The basics of FasterEFT are very straight forward and simple. Although there are a lot of different techniques within FasterEFT, and the change of belief can be a challenge for many people, you can get started with just the basics — if you are willing to do what it takes to transform your life.
From birth, the subconscious interprets (and gives meaning to) every experience, and files that data as evidence of who we are, how the world around us works, and what reality is.
Each new experience is filtered through that data, and again, interpreted and filed. This is why each person’s perspective of reality is unique.
The subconscious is constantly referring to the data it holds, and prompting the brain and body to respond accordingly. And the brain signals the major organs to produce matching chemicals that cause sensations — which we recognize as impulses and emotions.
These sensations cause the conscious mind to make decisions, take actions, and express behaviors etc. — which are based on what is held in the subconscious.
In order to change anything effectively and permanently, we need to change the original records. And the results change automatically.
The FasterEFT technique works with the subconscious to change those original records; this results in an automatic change in beliefs, patterns, behaviors, habits etc.
Visit the FasterEFT YouTube Channel to watch videos of Robert G. Smith (founder of FasterEFT) explaining how the mind works, and how to use FasterEFT effectively. You will also be able to tap along with him as he works on others, and watch the testimonials of those who have used FasterEFT for a wide range of problems and issues.
What’s your value, and where do you get it from? Are you looking to people and other factors outside of yourself to help you to feel good about yourself? As long as you are getting your value from sources outside of yourself, you are at the mercy of other people and circumstances, and will never have full control of your own experience.
The great news is, you don’t need anything or anyone else to create your value — in fact, the only way to create true value is to create it within yourself.
Where Does Your Value Come From?
Although it appears that our value comes from what others think of us, how others feel about us, and how others treat us, the truth is the data that determines each person’s value is inside themselves. Think of a page printing from a computer. It looks like whatever is printed on that page is coming from the computer, but the truth is, it is coming from the file on the computer.
Not only will changing the printer not result in the changes you want on that document, but the printer is incapable of making changes to it. No matter how much you try to make the printer make the changes you want, to that document, it does not have the ability to make those changes. You could add other printers to the computer, but the print-out won’t change.
It’s the same with your life. What you’re experiencing is the printed page, and the printers represent the people and other factors in your life. No matter how much you try to get them to change what you’re experiencing, they don’t have the ability to change it.
Even if they made the changes you think would make you feel valued, your value would not change. Changing the printers doesn’t change the document. Your subconscious is the computer — in order to change the document that is printing out, you need to change the file on the computer.
In the same way, in order to change your value, you need to change the data in your subconscious — the records that your subconscious is referring to.
How to Increase Your Own Value
The first step in increasing your value is to realize that the only source of your value is inside you. Nothing outside of you will change your value. Only you can do that. The second step is to use theFasterEFT Technique to change the memories that support your current value.
In other words, think about how you know that people don’t value you, or how you know that your value is low, then address that using the FasterEFT process. Keep repeating the process until you have completely flipped each of those memories.
Every time you find yourself feeling less than valuable, use FasterEFT in the moment to tap it out. If you’re in a situation that means you can’t tap physically, use Mental Tapping.
An abreaction is essentially a sign that real changes are occurring; and types of abreactions vary from person to person. In Psychoanalytical terms, an abreaction is the process through which an emotion is released by reliving the cause of the emotional charge.
In FasterEFT we don’t need to relive the event fully in order to clear the original cause; we only need to aim by noticing how we know. This is often done through feeling the emotions very briefly for the last time, but does not involve reliving the whole event. An abreaction will often occur as the changes are being made.
However, not everyone experiences abreactions; and those who do, don’t necessarily experience them every time. Abreactions can range from yawning and burping to howling, shaking and thrashing. Although the more demonstrative expressions can be disconcerting to those who are unprepared, it is important to remain calm and to keep de-fractionating and to not stop.
Most abreactions are small and are simply little signs that shifts are happening. Burps, yawning, passing gas, laughing and crying are very common, and you canchoose to see them as encouraging signals of real change.
If you find that you go into a more dramatic abreaction — more intense crying, feeling ill, vomiting, sudden unexplained pains or other physical sensations, or anything else — the most important thing is to not stop the process in the middle of it! That would be like a surgeon opening up a patient, feeling fear when he sees all the blood, and then leaving them with a gaping wound.
Keep going. Remind yourself of the surgeon analogy; remind yourself that this is perfectly normal and part of the process. The bigger the abreaction the more important it is to complete the process!
De-fractionate, de-fractionate, de-fractionate!
When you’re in the middle of an abreaction that feels intense, do whatever it takes to de-fractionateand pull yourself out of the trance. Jump up and down, dance, put some music on, run around, watch something funny, do something funny, pull faces — do what it takes to get out of the trance of the emotions — and then, go back and check it!
The Key
Use de-fractionation to pull yourself out of the trance, but it is essential you then go back and check what’s left! Do not use distractions to escape from the issue — if you do that, you will get to keep the problem. You need to go back and make sure that you finish the job of cleaning it all out.
Just de-fractionate enough to pull out of the trance — do not stay in the distraction. For example, you may want to use a comedy video to pull yourself out of an intense emotional abreaction — just watch enough that you are no longer in the middle of the emotion and are laughing, then go back to the problem you were addressing, and check it again.
Notice what’s left there, and tap again. Keep doing this until you have completely flipped it.
If You Get Scared
If you find you’re feeling scared because of the abreaction, the first step is to remind yourself that not only is it normal; it is a great sign that you are making real changes! Remind yourself that whatever reaction you’re experiencing is your body releasing old programming, and as long as you keep de-fractionating and tapping, you will achieve significant transformation.
Also, remind yourself that this is your mind. There’s no-one else involved — no-one else can fit inside your head — this is all you. You are in no danger, it’s just your own mind and body letting go of old programming.
Do whatever it takes to pull yourself out of the trance, and when you do, you will be able to see more clearly. While you’re in the trance, your body is in fight-freeze-or-flight, and your cognitive thinking is offline — this means your emotions are overriding your logic, and you are not able to think clearly (this is what happens in any negative state).
No matter how dramatic, scary and real it all feels while you’re in the middle of it, once you pull yourself out of the trance, you will have a different perspective.
The Fear of Going Back to it
If you have an intense abreaction, you may worry about going back to check the problem after you’ve de-fractionated and pulled yourself out of it. However, you will notice that when you go back to it, it is not as intense — it will become less and less intense as you go through the process.
Each time you go back to it, it will become less intense. In fact, many people find that after the first de-fractionation, the abreaction either reduces to very little, or disappears completely. So, don’t leave it hanging out! Make sure you go back and finish the job!
Getting Help
If you are finding it too difficult to handle it yourself, then make sure you get some help from a certified FasterEFT Practitioner. Whatever you do don’t simply hold onto your stuff. If you can’t manage to clear it, get professional help to free yourself. You can find a list of certified, recommended practitioners here: FasterEFT Practitioners.
To watch videos of Robert G. Smith (founder of FasterEFT) explaining how the mind works and demonstrating the technique on others, visit theFasterEFT YouTube Channel.
If you find it difficult to stop thinking thoughts that cause you to feel bad, or you find it a challenge to switch from a negative thought to a positive thought in the moment, you are not alone.
The majority of people have trouble controlling the activity of their minds.For most people, the mind feels like a separate entity over which they have very little control.
However, it only seems this way because they haven’t learned to use their ability to take control over their conscious thoughts.
Whose Mind is It?
Although it may seem like your mind has a mind of its own, it really doesn’t. You have the ability to take full control over your own mind; it’s just a case of learning how to do so.
Up until now, your mind has been running on auto-pilot. But you can, at any time, switch to manual, and choose your own thoughts. The fact that it has been on automatic all this time does not mean it has to stay that way. It is still your mind — no-one else can fit in there.
Why Your Mind Appears to Have a Mind of its Own
Since we are born into this world helpless and without many skills for survival, and since we are all born into different environments and circumstances, the human brain is designed to develop survival skills, coping mechanisms, and thriving strategies in the moment and automatically, as it grows.
For maximum efficiency, the brain is designed to record and automate most of these systems; this means your brain is more like a machine than a separate entity. It is a machine that is running according to the current programming it contains.
Although the subconscious overrides the conscious mind since it is the subconscious that is in charge of ensuring our survival, the conscious mind can still access the subconscious controls in order to make changes to the automated programs.
How to Take Control of Your Thoughts
The first step is to realize, acknowledge and accept that your mind is yours, and that you can choose to take control. The second step is to use FasterEFT to clear any beliefs that may be preventing you from being able to take complete control over your focus.
When you find yourself thinking and feeling something negative, and you feel unable to switch your focus, remind yourself — there’s no-one in there except you. Although your subconscious is running the show, it is still your subconscious — you only need to learn how to work with it.
Using FasterEFT in the Moment to Take Control
When you can’t seem to get a negative thought out of your mind, notice the thought — notice how you know you can’t get it out of your mind, and how you feel — then use the FasterEFT Technique to clear not only the thought, but the original records your subconscious is referring to that provide the support for that way of thinking.
In Brief:
You are the pilot of a craft that is currently on auto-pilot. There is no-one else in the cockpit except you; and you can at any time choose to take your craft off of auto-pilot and use your own manual controls to change the course of your journey. The idea that your craft is being controlled by someone else is an illusion.
You can choose to leave the auto-pilot on, and go with the preprogramming — and wherever that may lead you by default — or you can choose to switch to manual control and create programming that will take you where you want to go.
To see videos on FasterEFT, how it’s working for others, and to hear Robert G. Smith (founder of FasterEFT) explain how the mind works, visit the FasterEFT YouTube Channel.
Intuition seems like a great thing to have. It seems like a superpower; a way of accessing knowledge beyond our conscious awareness. Although intuition can be powerful and extremely beneficial, it can also be devastatingly detrimental.
You probably have noticed that some people follow their intuition and experience great success and unusual luck; others don’t follow their intuition, and wish they had. But, it is important to realize that there are also cases of people following their intuition and discovering it was “wrong” — and those who choose to resist following their intuition, and discover that it would have led them into trouble if they had followed it. Intuition is not necessarily beneficial for each person.
Whether or not you can trust your intuition to lead you to the results you desire will depend on the information held in your subconscious — the information that is providing the basis for your intuition.
What is Intuition?
There are many different explanations for what intuition is and where it comes from. Intuition feels like a knowing without obvious facts or proof.It feels like an unexplained nudge from something or someone beyond conscious comprehension or awareness that knows what’s best for us when we can’t see it.
If this were the case, every person who felt this nudge would, presumably, be able to fully trust and rely on it. However, every person has a different experience with intuition. Intuition is the subtle prompting of the subconscious through the brain, causing sensations in the body — which are interpreted by the conscious mind.
How Does Intuition Work?
If you are considering leaving a social event, and you suddenly feel an unexplained desire to stay a little longer, you may recognize that as intuition, particularly when you later meet someone at that event with whom youdiscover a powerful connection — someone you wouldn’t have met if you had left earlier.
So, what caused your change of mind? What caused that intuition? Your subconscious, referring to the data it holds and combining that with the results of calculations from information and subtle cues from your surroundings, that your conscious mind was completely unaware of, prompted your brain to produce the chemicals that caused certain sensations.These sensations were then interpreted by your conscious mind as a desire to stay.
The chemicals may have caused the sensations of pleasure when looking around the room; or they may have caused thirst or hunger, creating a desire to have one more drink or something to eat; or they may have prompted a feeling of excitement as you were about to leave. Your subconscious will do what it takes to influence your choices based on the data it holds.
For someone whose subconscious holds data that proves that they are unlovable or unworthy, or that people are dangerous, or that love is dangerous, their subconscious will have prompted their brain to trigger their organs to produce chemicals that cause different sensations.
These sensations will be interpreted by their conscious mind as a need to leave. They may suddenly feel tired, anxious, hurt, left out, angry, lonely, worried — whatever it takes to cause them to want to leave before they meet the person their subconscious has already recognized as a threat based on the data it holds.
The person whose intuition causes them to want to stay — and who then meets someone special — has benefited greatly from that intuition; while the one who follows their intuition to leave has lost out on someone with whom they may have been able to enjoy a wonderful relationship. The difference is not in the intuition itself; it is in the data held in the subconscious.
Here are two examples of how intuition can cause different effects for different people:
Margaret is on her way to work one Wednesday when she realizes she really wants a chocolate bar. She tries to resist, since she’s been trying to be healthier in her eating choices and is working on losing weight, but the desire just gets stronger. She debates with herself, and eventually decides she deserves a treat since she has a difficult day ahead of her at work; and besides, she’ll only eat half of the bar today, and will keep the rest for tomorrow.
She plans to wait until she gets to work before buying a chocolate bar, but she feels an overwhelming desire to stop at a gas station to buy one instead. She pulls over at the next gas station; and decides, while she’s there, to check the tires on her car. She discovers that one of the tires has a nail in it.
She is able to get some help from a mechanic nearby to change the tire.Margaret believes her intuition caused her to pull over at the gas station at that moment, and she’s glad she followed it.
Alison has broken down at the side of the road — a flat tire. Turns out she’d driven over a nail at some point, and the tire had gone flat on the highway. She passed a gas station not long ago — if only she’d known to stop. But something made her want to keep driving. She’s sorry now that she followed what she thought was her intuition guiding her to miss the traffic and get to her destination earlier.
Some may think that Alison simply misinterpreted her intuition, or was not “tuned in” but let’s look a little deeper into the background…
Margaret has always been “lucky” — she’s had a few close calls in her life; but somehow, where others were caught out, Margaret has always avoided any accidents and potential calamities.
Margaret’s subconscious contains data (created from her life experiences) that provides evidence that she is lucky. For more detailed information on how this data is created and how it affects daily life, read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems.
Alison seems to attract problems. There seems to be a theme in her life of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. She’s tried to use her intuition, since her friend, Margaret has had such luck with it, but each time she’s felt an instinct to buy a lottery ticket, or followed a hunch to invest in something, or gone with the impulse to speak to a guy, she has failed.
Alison is fed up — she assumes she’s just not able to recognize her intuition. In fact, she’s been told that what she’s following is not intuition, and she needs to work on getting better at recognizing it. Alison’s frustration is set to continue since the truth is: she is following her intuition — perfectly effectively and successfully. It’s just that her intuition is based on data that contradicts what she consciously wants.
While Margaret’s subconscious contains evidence that she is worthy and loved, Alison’s subconscious contains proof that she is unworthy and unlovable. And each individual’s subconscious is producing intuitive prompts based on the evidence it holds. It is all working perfectly according to the original records and that person’s unique reality.
How it is Possible?
While there may be other ways in which the subconscious is able to access information, the perfectly down-to-earth, logical explanation for these two incidents of intuition is:
Margaret’s subconscious registered either the sight of the nail in the tire before she got into her car to start her journey, or the subtle difference in sound or feel of the car as she drove. Since her conscious mind was focused on the difficult day she had ahead of her, this information was filtered from her cognitive thinking in the moment.
Her subconscious calculated the risk to things running smoothly, based on the information it held — that things run smoothly for her — and the new information on the nail in the tire. It then prompted her brain to trigger her digestive system to produce the craving for sugar.
When she saw the gas station, the craving became stronger, causing her conscious mind to make the decision that she couldn’t wait until she got to work before eating a chocolate bar.
Alison’s subconscious also registered the nail in her tire — either by visual information or through the subtle difference in sound or feel of the car as she drove. However, since her subconscious contained evidence that life is difficult and she always encounters problems and delays, in order to keep her aligned with that reality, her subconscious distracted her from the impending puncture. It prompted her brain to trigger her organs to produce chemicals that caused a feeling of anxiousness and urgency.
Her conscious mind translated this feeling as a sign she needed to get to work as soon as possible without stopping, in order to miss the traffic and arrive on time.
How to Improve Your Intuition
Improving intuition is not about being able to recognize and follow intuitive prompts; it’s about changing the data held in the subconscious so that those intuitive prompts will align with what you really want rather than your default settings. As you change those records, you will be able to increase your trust in your intuition since it will be based on data that supports your conscious desires.
Start by noticing what your biggest problem is right now. What is the thing you’d like to change most? Then, use the FasterEFT Technique to address every memory you have that supports that problem. In other words: If your problem is a lack of money, notice how you know you have a lack of money and notice how you know that’s a problem.
You may realize that you know because you are unable to pay your bills. If so, how do you feel about not being able to pay your bills? When have you felt that same feeling in the past (it may have had nothing to do with money) — go back as early as you can.
Now, use FasterEFT to work through those memories and flip each one. Do this with every problem you have. You may find that some of your problems and memories change automatically as you work on others, but make sure you check that each one has in fact changed.
As you flip your memories (the evidence your subconscious is referring to in order to determine your choices, decisions and actions) you will start to notice that your intuition not only starts to become clearer as you clean up the bad experiences in your past, but it also becomes increasingly more reliable.
Remember, your intuition is based on what your subconscious holds.Change that data, and your intuition automatically changes.
To listen to Robert G. Smith (founder of FasterEFT) explain how the mind works, and to watch him demonstrate the process on others, visit theFasterEFT YouTube Channel.