Wednesday, September 28, 2016

How FasterEFT Can Help Solve Your Money Problems Once and For All!

Regardless of what problems you may have with money — whether it’s: not having enough to pay your bills; not being able to increase your income to become financially free; the inability to save or stick to a budget; or losing money through circumstances beyond your control — the source of the money problems is in your subconscious.
The great news is — you’re not doing anything wrong; and you can change your finances by changing the original source inside your subconscious — creating natural, automatic results. And it may be easier and faster than you expect!

What Causes Money Problems

Although money problems appear to have a wide range of different causes — depending on the person, their individual circumstances, and the events that happen to them — the truth is, all money problems have the same cause as all other problems:
The records held in the subconscious. For more detail on this read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems. Have you noticed that some people are “good” with money, while others are not? Have you noticed that some people are “lucky” and others are not? While circumstances often appear to be the problem, different people seem to get different results from the same circumstances. Let’s look at what’s going on behind the scenes…

It’s Not About the Money

You may have heard this before; however, it can be difficult to truly grasp and work from this truth when you’re faced with financial challenges. No matter what your money issues are, the most effective way to solve them is to take a step back, and focus on the overall feeling.
Ask yourself how you know you have a problem. How do you know you have a money problem? Your answer may be, for example, that you can’t seem to resist spending money you don’t have.

Other times it could be that you don’t feel comfortable charging for your services. While sometimes it may be that your expenses are always higher than your income. Have you also wondered that it may be that you keep being turned down for higher-paying jobs. Whatever it is, notice how you know it’s a problem.
Now, notice how it feels. How do you feel about not being able to resist spending money you don’t have? Think about how it feels before you do it, and how does it feel during and after you’ve done it?
How do you feel when you think about charging for your services? What does not having enough money to pay your bills feel like? Or not being able to afford the things you want?
How does it feel when you’re turned down for those jobs that pay more? Notice the feeling itself. You don’t necessarily need to be able to put a name to it, just notice how it feels inside yourself.
Next, think back — when have you felt this same feeling in the past? It may not have anything to do with money (in fact, it probably won’t have anything to do with money),but it will be the same feeling.

Here are a few examples that will give you an idea of what you’re looking for:

Jason’s story

How do I know I have a money problem?
I never seem to be able to earn enough to be comfortable. I only just scrape by each month, with no extra money to go out with friends, or to do all the things I want to do.
How does that feel?
I feel left out and frustrated. I don’t understand why I can’t make more money. I’m working hard, but each time I apply for a higher-paying job, I’m turned down — even though the interview seems to go really well and it looks like I’ll get it.
Constant high hopes and then disappointment.
What are my earliest memories of this feeling?
  1. When I was in junior school, I really wanted to be on a sports team — I wanted to be included in a team with friends. But, every time I’d train and think I was ready, I’d try out for a team, and be turned down. I kept trying, and worked so hard, but it didn’t seem to matter. It’s the same feeling of being left out; the same feeling of frustration; the same feeling of constantly hoping and thinking it’s going to happen, and then disappointment.
  2. At home, my father was very hard to please. No matter what I did, it was never good enough. I can only remember two occasions when he said “Well done.” but on both of those, he added “But you can do better.” He thought he was pushing me to achieve higher standards; but the truth is, it just felt like there was no hope of ever being enough. It’s the same feeling of trying so hard, doing what I believe is expected of me, and then disappointment; the same feeling of frustration and being left out or rejected.

Abigail’s Story

How do I know I have a money problem?
I can never save because I can’t control my spending. I’ve really tried, but it feels like a compulsion. No matter what decisions I make to stick to a budget, in the moment — when I feel the need to spend money on something I know I shouldn’t — my mind comes up with reasons why I should.
So, I’m never able to save up for emergencies because I keep spending what I save.
How does that feel?
In the moment when I spend the money, I feel a mixture of good and guilty, but I give myself good reasons why I need to spend that money. Afterwards, I always feel so frustrated, guilty and disappointed with myself, but I just can’t seem to stop. It feels like I’m trapped and have no control over what I’m doing at those times.
What are my earliest memories of this feeling?
I don’t have any specific memories, but I can remember that feeling of helplessness and the trapped feeling. My parents argued a lot — all the time. They would yell hateful things at each other, and the animosity between them was palpable. When I was older, I would stay out as much as possible; but when I was young, I was trapped.
My grandmother, who lived with us, would sometimes take me out with her to the store while they were arguing. On those occasions I felt relief and happiness, but mixed with guilt and worry that they were still attacking each other back home. My grandmother would always buy me a little treat; and whenever I was with her at the store during those times, I felt loved.

Bess’s Story

How do I know I have a money problem?
I don’t feel comfortable charging for my work. I’m an artist, and I really want to make a living out of my passion for art, but I just can’t seem to accept the idea of having people pay me for it.
How does that feel?
I feel that if I ask people to pay for my work, they will think I’m being arrogant. I feel embarrassed to ask someone to pay for something I’ve created. The thought of asking them just feels too horrible. I can’t describe it exactly,but I can feel it now as I imagine asking someone to pay for one of my paintings.
What are my earliest memories of this feeling?
I have a memory of this same feeling, from when I was about 7, I think. It had nothing to do with art or money, but it’s the same feeling. The memory is of bringing home my report card. I was so excited because I’d achieved a higher grade in English than I had ever achieved before.
The timing wasn’t great — my parents had just been told that the landlord had sold the house and we were to vacate the property in 30 days.
I came running into the house with my report card, so excited, and expecting my mom and dad to be happy and proud of me. But they were dismissive and impatient. They told me they had more important things to focus on, and not to make such a big deal out of such a small thing. I felt crushed, and silly for expecting their praise for something that was nothing compared to what they were dealing with.
Although I understood at the time that they were upset and worried about losing our home, I still felt embarrassed and regretful about my excitement and expectation of their praise. It’s the same feeling I feel when I think of asking someone to pay for something I’ve created — it feels like they have more important things to spend their money on, how can I ask them to spend it on my art work?

What Next?

In each of these cases, the subconscious has interpreted (and recorded that interpretation) life experiences and linked them with certain physiological states — which have been, in turn, interpreted by the conscious mind.
Jason, Abigail and Bess need to work on those early memories, usingFasterEFT; and as they clear and flip the memory, they will be disconnecting and rewiring the neural networks that provide the structure for their current problems.


If Jason uses FasterEFT to clear and flip his memories — to where his dad is actually proud of him, and brags about him to his friends; and he clears and flips his memories of being turned down for the sports teams at school, to where every team wants him — his subconscious will have new records to refer to.
Instead of referring to the “proof” it currently holds that he is not good enough, it will be referring to the “proof” (the flipped memories) that he is worthy and appreciated.
This means that his subconscious will be prompting his brain to trigger different chemicals — which will mean his conscious mind is interpreting different impulses and sensations — causing him to make different decisions, take different actions, communicate differently, and give a different impression to those around him.
And that will change the results he experiences in all areas of his life — including work and finances.


Abigail uses FasterEFT to clear and flip her memories of her parents’ arguments, and her trips to the store with her grandmother. Although she doesn’t have specific memories, the fact that she knows about the arguments, the trapped feelings, and the feeling of love from her grandmother whenever they went to the store, means that these experiences are represented in her subconscious in some way.
So, she works with what she knows. She notices how she knows that her parents argued — and she uses FasterEFT to clear and flip that knowledge, to where her parents are loving and fun. She also uses FasterEFT to separate the feelings of love from her grandmother, and receiving the treats at the store.
Through this process, her subconscious changes the connection between love and shopping, to love and her grandmother — where it belongs. This means her subconscious is now referring to new records, and is no longer prompting her brain to trigger her body to crave the “hit” from spending money. She feels loved and safe inside herself because she has new “proof” inside her subconscious that the love came from her grandmother, not from the store or the treats. This frees her from the trap of spending money compulsively.


If Bess uses FasterEFT to clear and flip the memory of her parents’ reaction to her showing them her report card — to where they’re as excited and proud of her as she had expected — her subconscious would change those connections.
The connections between asking for positive feedback for her efforts and the production of the chemicals that cause feelings of embarrassment and feeling bad — would be changed to a connection between presenting what she’s achieved, to others, and being well-rewarded for her good work.

You Can Do It Too!

You can do the same. Whatever challenges you’re experiencing regarding money, you could not be experiencing them if there was no structure in your subconscious that supported them. If you’re experiencing it, your subconscious contains “proof” of some kind.
You may not know what that proof is — and fortunately, you don’t need to know, since FasterEFT works directly with the subconscious— simply notice what you do know; that is how you aim. For more information on this, read: How to Aim with FasterEFT.
To find out how subconscious records are created and how they affect our lives, read:What Determines Your Character and Personality?
For a detailed guide on using FasterEFT read: The FasterEFT Technique — Step-by-Step.
To see FasterEFT in action, and to watch Robert G. Smith explain more about how the mind works, watch the videos in the FasterEFT YouTube Channel.

Originally published at on July 24, 2016.

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