Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Expecting FasterEFT Results — “I’ve Already Worked on It!”

Whatever the issue is you’d like to change; there have to be references — memories — that are supporting that issue or problem. Whether it is physical, emotional, psychological or circumstances,there will be references in your subconscious that are providing the structure that allows you to keep the problem.
While you may not be consciously aware of the memories that are providing the evidence for your problem (and fortunately, you don’t need to know what they are in order to change it), you may have memories that you are consciously aware of but are discounting because you’ve already worked on them.
However, unless they have completely flipped (in all ways, not just in the emotions) they will still be contributing to the problem.

What to Do if You’ve Already Worked on a Memory

If you’ve already worked on a memory, you may feel that there’s no need to address it again. However, you need to make sure that it has indeed completely flipped. Go to that memory right now, and notice what’s there. You may not have the feelings — in other words, it may not bother you any longer — but if the memory still has the same action, it hasn’t flipped.

So What to Expect in FasterEFT?

Regardless of whether it bothers you or not, whatever is happening in that memory now is what your subconscious is referring to. For example, if the memory is of someone beating you; and you no longer feel bothered by it, that’s good, but it’s not enough. Your subconscious will still contain the data that you were beaten.
And whatever meaning your subconscious has assigned to that event will still be affecting your automatic choices, decisions, responses and behaviors. In order to make real changes in your life, you need to give your subconscious a different data to refer to.
So, if you were to go back to that memory, and use FasterEFT until it flips to where, instead of being beaten, the memory is now of you playing a game — that would change the reference for your subconscious.

How Can You Tell When It’s Flipped?

If, when you think of that event, you have the new memory of you playing a game instead of being beaten, then you know the memory has flipped.
You will of course still know consciously that you were beaten — you’re not changing the past or wiping the memory; you are simply changing how that event is represented in your subconscious.
Using the FasterEFT Technique, your memory will usually flip automatically and spontaneously; but if it doesn’t, you can change it deliberately as long as you have tapped out the emotions.

Rehearsing the Right One

Make sure, once you’ve flipped the memory, that you practice the new version. Rehearse it at least three times (going through the new memory from beginning to end in your mind) once you’ve flipped it; and then check back at least once or twice a day for the first week, to make sure it is still the new memory.
Remember, this is not just about having a pleasant memory — it’s about providing your subconscious with data that will support the changes you want to make in your life.

Moving Forward

Make sure you do this with each memory. Whatever your problem or issue is — if it hasn’t changed, it means your subconscious still contains records that support it.
To succeed in changing it, follow the steps suggested in this articleThe FasterEFT Technique — Step-by-Step to address each and every memory until it flips.
If you’re concerned about changing memories, read: Is it Wrong to Change My Memories?
For more information on how the records are created, and how they affect daily life, read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems.
For more information on flipping memories read: Why do We Flip Memories in FasterEFT.
To see FasterEFT in action, watch the videos in the FasterEFT in Action Playlist.

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