Wednesday, September 28, 2016

“It Happened for a Good Reason!” … Or did it?

When things go wrong, it can be reassuring to tell ourselves and each other that “It happened for a reason.” However, the reason may be different to what you’re thinking. The idea behind the phrase is that there’s always a good reason for the bad things that happen — even when we can’t see it.
This is an attitude of trust that can help to keep us calm and help us to move forward when things don’t seem to be going according to our hopes, desires and expectations. While that may well be true in certain circumstances; but there is an important part to this idea that needs to be taken into consideration.
What we experience is the result of the records we carry in the subconscious.These records affect our automatic feelings, beliefs, reactions, perceptions, decisions, choices, actions, and everything else. All of these aspects add up to our experiences.
There are times when we experience situations, circumstances or encounters that have happened, not “for a reason” in the sense that it’s beyond our control and for our higher good; but for the reason that we have thesubconscious records that support that experience.

The Difference

When something happens that is against what we wanted, hoped for and expected, there are two main considerations:
  1. What we experience is based on our subconscious data. This means that if we change that data, our experiences will change. Changing the data changes our automatic choices and actions — which will lead to different results.
  2. Changing the data also changes our reactions to the experiences — this means that we feel differently, automatically.

For example:

Mandy is on her way to a job interview. She’s planned ahead to make certain that she has plenty of time to get there. On the way to the interview, she remembers that she forgot her phone at home. She feels annoyed, but tells herself it will be fine — everything always happens for a reason.
What she’s unaware of is that the reason, regardless if the reasons are favorable or not, will depend on the subconscious records she’s carrying.
If, for instance, her subconscious is referring to records that provide evidence that she is successful, deserving and worthy; and that the world is a good place and everything always works out.
Because of this her subconscious may have prompted her conscious mind to forget her phone so that she had no distractions while waiting in the lobby for the interview — allowing her to focus better. This would result in her giving a better interview.
On the other hand, if her subconscious is referring to records that provide evidence that she is unworthy, that life is a struggle, and that she is unlovable, it may have prompted her conscious mind to forget her phone so that she doesn’t have the address or name of the person she needs to see. This may cause her to be late for the interview, and result in either missing the opportunity, or giving a bad interview due to the stress.
In the first example, Mandy’s brain is wired to respond to the unexpected inconvenience with calm, and to move forward, focusing on what she’s about to achieve. In the second example, Mandy’s brain is wired to keep her in a state of stress, and to do what it takes to prevent her from moving forward.
Through using FasterEFT to change the memories her subconscious is referring to — making sure they’re all positive and support what she wants from her life — Mandy can make sure that whatever happens really is happening for a good reason.
Make sure that your unexpected experiences are always “for a good reason” by cleaning up your memories.
For more detailed information on how and why your memories affect your life, read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems and How to Change Your Reality.
For guidance on using FasterEFT read: The FasterEFT Technique — Step-by-Step.
To listen to Robert G. Smith explain how the mind works, watch the videos in theFasterEFT YouTube Channel.
Article by: Robert G. Smith

Originally published at on June 20, 2016.

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