Wednesday, September 28, 2016

FasterEFT Shows You How Change Your Life Away From Smart Phones

Almost everyone today has a smart phone or some other electronic device that they use to pass the time while waiting. Although free WiFi is increasingly widely available, even without it, we can use our electronic devices to read or play games offline.
As tempting as it is to use technology to help the time pass more quickly and more entertainingly, that time can be used to make significant changes in your life — if you know how to make the most of it.
More than using your electronic device for educational or enlightening purposes, you can use your spare time to make real, tangible, measurable transformations in all areas of your life.

The Simple Way to Change Your Life While You Wait

Test this out for just seven days. Make the commitment to yourself to, over the next seven days, replace checking your phone with checking your body.This may seem odd at first, but it will make perfect sense.
From now, for the next seven days, whenever you find yourself waiting somewhere — and you feel the urge to check your phone or use your iPad or Kindle — instead, take a deep breath, and notice how you feel. Notice how you feel emotionally and physically.
Notice where you feel any stress, tension or negative emotions; notice if you have any worries or negative thoughts coming up; and then use theFasterEFT Technique to flip them in the moment. If you’re in public, or can’t tap physically for some other reason, useMental Tapping.

An Experiment — Using FasterEFT

Do this for just one week as an experiment. Commit to it fully — it’s only for 7 days, after all — and see what happens.

Be Thorough

Make sure that you not only get the negative feelings and thoughts to decrease, but that you actually flip them. Remember, just as you need to completely remove a weed or it grows back, you need to completely flip negative thoughts, memories and emotions.
Using your spare time in this way, instead of passing the time using technology — for just one week — can completely change your experiences, and create significant transformations. Why not test it and see?
For more information on how and why FasterEFT works, read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems and What Determines Your Character and Personality?
For detailed guidance on using FasterEFT read: The FasterEFT Technique — Step-by-Step.
To watch FasterEFT in action, and to hear testimonials from those who have used it, watch the videos on the FasterEFT YouTube Channel.
Article by: Robert G. Smith

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Originally published at on July 5, 2016.

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