Thursday, September 29, 2016

From Being Carried to the Bathroom — to Traveling the World! — Heather’s Story

Heather McKean from North Virginia, USA, had been ill most of her life — despite being active and strong, by 2012 she was debilitated by a host of diseases and conditions. These included: Rheumatoid ArthritisFibromyalgia;POTS (a heart condition) and so much more. She was in a lot of pain; and was unable to play with her two young daughters, or even pick them up.
Her life revolved around her medication and visits to doctors and specialists. At one stage, Heather was taking 180 tablets every day to try to cope with the conditions and illnesses. Having spent over $30,000 on medical bills, out of pocket (over and above healthcare) in just one year, Heather and her family were at their wits’ end. At one point she was bed-ridden, on full disability, and her husband was having to carry her to the bathroom.

Liver and Kidney Failure

Eventually, Heather became so ill that she couldn’t swallow the medication. This escalated to being unable to eat or drink anything at all. When she visited her doctor, she was found to be extremely dehydrated with liver and kidney failure, and was put on an I.V. drip at home. This was one of the most difficult experiences for Heather — watching her two little girls see her in that condition.


Finally, a chiropractor who was treating Heather at home for her back pain asked her if she’d heard about “tapping”. She had heard of it before but hadn’t had time to look into it. This time, she looked it up. She read about how traditional EFT works on clearing blocked energy from the past, and it made sense to her.
However, the idea that she would need to address every traumatic event she’d experienced was overwhelming. She felt it would take her forever. So, Heather decided to search online for something faster. Her search for “faster eft” brought up the FasterEFT videos on YouTube. Heather watched half of one of these and decided it was the answer.
She contacted a practitioner through the website, who told her she would need to wait for a session until the practitioner got back from her training course. She was going to Oklahoma for a week of practitioner training. Heather asked if anyone could attend the training, and if it would help her to use the technique more effectively.
In a last minute decision, Heather booked a place on the training in Oklahoma City — which was taking place a week and a half later. At that stage she knew very little about FasterEFT except for the part of a YouTube video she’d watched.
However, as she listened to Robert G. Smith (founder of FasterEFT) explain how the mind works, it started to make complete sense to her. She realized that, as real as her symptoms felt, and as real as her conditions were (she had the medical records, blood work and specialists’ notes to prove it), she was creating it — unwittingly — herself.
Where many people might feel defensive at this idea, Heather recognized it as the key to freedom from her health problems. If she was unknowingly creating these conditions, she could knowingly heal them.
Understanding this was a powerful shift for Heather, and when Robert asked for volunteers, Heather put her hand up. She felt very scared, but she was determined to go back home without the back pain she’d arrived with. She’d had to get an injection for her back pain to allow her to travel to the seminar, and was in constant pain as she walked.
During the demonstration, Robert helped her to aim at the problem by asking her to notice the pain and how it felt. He then used the FasterEFT process to address not only the pain, but several bad memories. By the end of the 40 minute demonstration, Heather could not find her back pain when Robert asked her to do so. In addition to that, the neck pain she’d had for 20 years (despite surgery) had gone as well. Heather was amazed since Robert hadn’t even addressed the neck pain at all.
Heather realized fully that in order to see more changes and transformation she would need to pick up where Robert left off, and continue to work on herself. Having not been an emotional person up until then, Heather was a little disconcerted at the well of emotions that seemed to be uncorked that night.
The next morning, completely free from the pain that was causing her to wince and struggle to walk when she first arrived at the seminar; Heather was able to practice yoga, while her husband and two little daughters watched her on Skype, amazed.
Other people attending the seminar were curious, and asked her, the next day, how her back was. She told them the pain was completely gone, but she was still overwhelmed by the emotions that were showing up along with memories she’d believed were buried forever.
Someone advised her to keep tapping; and, although she felt she didn’t know how to tap, she was shown how simple it was to tap on herself. Choosing to take full responsibility for her own healing, that night, Heather went back to her hotel room, and spent hours tapping on every bad memory that came to her. Simply noticing the feeling and the memory, and then focusing on her fingers as she tapped the four points, saying only: “Release and let it go” then grabbing her wrist, taking a deep breath and saying “Peace” before going back to check what was still left, and then repeating the process.
It was emotionally draining, but it gave her the momentum that would lead to a full recovery from every illness and condition she had been suffering with for all those years.
Heather’s Illnesses and Conditions Included:
  • Lyme disease with multiple co-infections
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Endometriosis
  • Thunderclap headaches/Migraine disorder
  • POTS
  • Hashimoto’s
  • Anemia
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Reiter’s Syndrome
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Renal Hyper-filtration
  • Dysbiosis
  • Multiple Parasites

Back Home

When Heather’s husband met her at the airport on her return home, he went to pick up her bag for her, and she stopped him — she was now able to pick up her own suitcase!
She was also, for the first time, able to pick up and play with her two young daughters. Her husband had his wife back, and her children had their mother back — healthier and happier than ever before.

A Pivotal Moment

Heather had an appointment with her cardiologist that had been booked before she’d gone to the FasterEFT seminar. The appointment was a week after she returned home. She went into the appointment feeling great — physically, emotionally and mentally. She sat down opposite the technician who was to carry out the 3 hours of tests; and as he began to go through her symptoms and conditions, Heather started to feel the symptoms again.
There had been no sign of the symptoms before that moment; but now, as she was listening to the list of problems she had, she began to feel dizzy and ill again. Her mind began to accept the symptoms, and she found herself slipping back into the experience of being ill.
She caught herself, and was determined to resist that slippery slope. She started tapping in the moment, and the symptoms began to subside. In fact, having been hooked up to a heart monitor, Heather could see her heart rate change as she tapped.
When she went in to see the cardiologist, he was amazed at the changes in her; and she was told that if she improved her cardiovascular health (which was still weak at that stage) she could ween herself off of the medication she was on at the time.
Heather began a regime that would improve her heart health, including weight training — something she could never have imagined being able to do before. And, over the course of the following months she was able to gradually come off of all of the medication she was taking.
Today, four years after she attended that first FasterEFT seminar, Heather is healthy, vibrant, strong and happy, with no sign of any of the conditions and illnesses she’d had before. She’s gone from being bed-ridden, in excruciating pain, and being carried to the bathroom — to traveling the world in full, vibrant health.

The Effects on Family

Apart from the amazing changes for her home life with her husband and children, Heather’s transformation has affected others close to her as well. Having seen Heather’s dramatic recovery, her mother, aunt and brother have all gone on to, not only benefit significantly from FasterEFT themselves, but have also become FasterEFT practitioners.
Heather has now created a life she’d dreamed of. Living in Africa for two years, working in the ministry and sharing her story and FasterEFT; she now lives in Maui, Hawaii with her husband and two daughters. She continues to travel all over the world, sharing her experiences, and is now an Advanced FasterEFT Practitioner.
To contact Heather for a consultation, you can reach her through her website:Tap into U — Maui Mind Change
You will also find videos of Heather and her husband talking about her experience, on her website.
To watch Heather’s 40 minute session with Robert, you can download the video here: The Art of Change — Healing the Pain with Heather
For more information on how and why FasterEFT works, read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problemsand How to Change Your Reality.
For guidance on using the FasterEFT Technique, read: The FasterEFT Technique — Step-by-Step.
To attend a live event like the one Heather attended, visit the Live Eventspage.
To watch videos of FasterEFT in action, to hear Robert G. Smith explain how the mind works, and to hear testimonials from others who have experienced a range of transformations in all areas of life, visit the FasterEFT YouTube Channel.

Article by: Robert G. Smith

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