Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Faster EFT Address the Unconscious mind and Cellular Biologist Bruce Lipton Explains the Cellular Levels of Change

In his exceptional presentations on the connection between our emotions and the activity of our cells, Bruce Lipton goes into minute (literally) detail. His explanations of exactly how the molecules of stress hormones and other body and brain chemicals affect individual cells and our DNA are clear, easy to grasp, and enlightening.

The Mind-Body Connection

While the mind-body connection may seem esoteric to many people, the real connection is physical and biological. It is in fact, chemical. Thoughts are neural connections in the neocortex of the brain; and these connections cause a chemical reaction in the limbic system — which has a very specific effect on the body. Cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton has spent his adult life studying cells and the effects of body chemistry on them.
As Lipton explains in his presentations (see *Resources below for a link to one of these), although it used to be thought that the “brain” of the cell is the nucleus, science has now discovered this is not the case. Most of us were taught in biology, in school that the nucleus controls the cell’s functions. However, Lipton points out that in the countless experiments he and other scientists have conducted, when the nucleus of a cell was removed, the cell continued to function. It continued to absorb nutrition, and it continued to dispose of waste.
The absence of a nucleus had only one effect: The cell did not divide unless the nucleus was present. This seems to indicate that rather than the brain of the cell, the nucleus is in fact the reproductive system. So where’s the brain?

What’s Really Controlling the Cell?

Through further experiments, it’s been discovered that the only part of the cell that controls its behavior is the membrane. These experiments showed that the environment in which a cell was placed determined not only how it moved (towards nutrition and away from toxins) but what kind of cell it became. Several cells — all identical — were placed in different petri dishes, each in a different solution. One formed muscle, another formed bone, and another, fat cells. Each cell developed differently depending on the environment in which it was placed. It is the membrane of the cell that is exposed to the environment — and that determines the activity and behavior of the cell.

So, What’s That Got to Do with the Mind-Body Connection?

Naturally, we think of nutrition and the substances we ingest as having an effect on our cells. However, emotions have a powerful physical effect on our cells as well. Every thought is a neural connection that triggers a chemical response. These chemicals form the cells’ environment. Stress chemicals are toxic. And since cells move away from toxins, they stop growing in this environment. Endorphins and other “feel good” chemicals allow for growth since they balance the body chemistry and form an environment that is nutritional.
When you feel any kind of negative emotion, your body and brain produce stress hormones. These directly affect the cells of your body. Now, when this is temporary, it has no long-lasting detrimental effect. Once you are back to feeling good again, the “feel good” chemicals produced will dilute the stress chemicals, and the cells will then naturally switch behavior from retreat and defense, to growth and health.
However, the problem comes when you remain in a negative emotional state. Worry, anger, resentment, fear, anxiety, and other negative states keep those stress chemicals flooding your blood stream. This means that your cells are in a constant state of defense and retreat instead of growth.
During this time, new cells are not being produced — which means repairs (healing) are suspended. It also means that your cells are not receiving the nutrition they need. As Bruce Lipton points out, they cannot be in growth and retreat at the same time.
They cannot move forward and backwards at the same time. They cannot be closing themselves off, protecting themselves from the toxic stress chemicals, and taking in nutrition at the same time. This is where illness, injury and delayed recovery come in.


We have a very high turnover rate — much higher than you may imagine. Every day, hundreds of thousands of our 50 trillion cells die. And they are replaced by new cells — if we are healthy. But if you consider the fact that cells shut down in defense when their environment is toxic, forgoing nutrition and growth — and stress chemicals are toxic — it’s clear that those hundreds of thousands of dead cells are not going to be replaced as efficiently as is needed to maintain health and vitality.

The Role of Perception

As Bruce Lipton explains in his presentation Mind over Matter, perception controls biology. The reason is: as we perceive something, the brain automatically triggers the body to respond. The response is a chemical reaction, which causes sensations we recognize as emotions, feelings and impulses. The brain is responding not to what is there, but what it perceives.
An Example:
For some people, being interrupted while they’re speaking is perceived as an act of disrespect. They perceive the interrupter’s behavior as rude. Why? Because they have data (memories) stored in the subconscious from previous life experiences that “proves” it’s rude. They learned through their own early experiences, that interrupting someone is rude. So, when someone interrupts them, their subconscious refers to this data and registers that they are being disrespected. It then prompts the brain to trigger the organs to produce matching chemicals. These chemicals cause the sensations that the conscious mind recognizes as feelings of being disrespected. And the person reacts accordingly.
There are other people who don’t perceive being interrupted as being disrespected. To some, interrupting is just part of an engaging conversation. In their case, when they are interrupted, the subconscious refers to the memories, and does not see the interruption as a threat. Therefore, it does not prompt the brain to trigger the organs to produce those stress chemicals.
Same event; same interruption. Completely different responses. Based on perception.

The Role of Belief

“Perception controls biology. But since perceptions are sometimes right, and sometimes wrong, it’s more accurate to say that belief controls biology. What you believe creates your life — on the inside and on the outside. You’re not a victim of genetics, but you are responsible for what unfolds in your life.” — Bruce Lipton
The foundation of beliefs are references. Memories are the building blocks of beliefs. You come to believe something is true because you have “proof” of it through some experience. Your subconscious has taken your experiences, processed the information, and filed the meaning as evidence. In order to change the belief, you need to change the “evidence” that proves it. This means changing the memories — which form that evidence. For more information on changing memories, read: Can Memories Really be Changed?and How Ethical is it to Change Memories?

Changing Your Life on a Cellular Level

  1. Evidence from experiments in cellular biology, conducted by Bruce Lipton and other scientists, have shown that it is the environment that determines the behavior of a cell.
  2. When the environment contains nutrition, cells grow. When the environment is toxic, cells cease to grow, and go into protection mode instead.
  3. A cell cannot be in growth and protection mode at the same time.
  4. Perception causes chemical reactions in the body. Constantly. Negative perceptions cause the production of stress hormones; positive perceptions cause the production of “feel good” chemicals.
  5. As the cells are exposed to stress hormones (which are toxic) they stop growth activity, cease to take in nutrients, and go into protection mode. When the stress chemicals are no longer present, the cells begin to take in nutrients again and grow.
  6. Perception is based on belief — which is supported by evidence provided in the form of records (memories).
This makes it a priority to do whatever it takes to change your perceptions to where you are able to increase your ability to feel good most of the time. Using FasterEFT, you can work with the subconscious to change those original resources that it is referring to, that are providing the “evidence” for your negative perceptions.
And as you change that data, your perception will naturally and automatically change — giving you different results in all areas of your life. For more detail on how this works, read: How FasterEFT Solves the REAL Cause of All Your Problems.
For an overview on FasterEFT and how it works, read: The Simplified Basics of FasterEFT.
For guidance on using FasterEFT, read: The FasterEFT Technique — Step-by-Step.
To see Robert G. Smith (founder of FasterEFT) explain how the mind works, and to see FasterEFT in action, visit the FasterEFT YouTube Channel.


Originally published at on August 31, 2016.

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