Although some people thrive under pressure, for many it is a stressful and painful place to be. In addition to feeling bad, pressure can also cause a range of physical and emotional damage through the stress it brings. Like all things, your experience of being under pressure is about what you’re doing inside yourself more than what is happening outside of you.
Even though it seems that the pressure is coming from the circumstances and people around you, the truth is, the feeling of pressure is coming from inside your own body — and no-one else can fit inside your body.
The great news is you can make changes to the programming inside you, that will result in your having a completely different experience of the events, circumstances and people around you.
Coping with Being Under Pressure Using FasterEFT
The feeling of being under pressure is caused by the physical state your body is going into, following your mind. You’ll notice that the feeling of being under pressure becomes stronger when you think certain thoughts — when you think about what you need to get done, or what you think is expected of you; or you consider the possibility you can’t do something, or you think about decisions you need to make. In those moments, your brain is triggering your organs to produce chemicals that cause the feeling of stress.
The answer to reducing the feeling of being under pressure is not to change the circumstances (even if you are able to do this, you will probably find that you are under pressure again regarding something else) but rather, to change the records and references inside you that your subconscious is referring to, that “prove” that you should feel stressed and pressured.
But The Problems are Real
The problems may really exist — you may really have to deal with a difficult situation or person; you may really have a deadline; you may really have to achieve something that you are not prepared for — but your reaction to the problems is the key. While you may not be able to change the problems, you can change the data inside you that determines your reaction to the problems.
Have you ever noticed how calm and unfazed some people seem to be in situations that would make others panic or give up? The reason those people are able to remain calm is because they have different subconscious references. The records their subconscious is referring to do not give reason for it to trigger the fight or flight stress response. Same problems; different response.
An Example
Margaret has an admin job, and always feels under pressure. She feels that she never has enough time to get everything done that needs to be done; and people seem to keep asking her to do more than she feels she can handle.
Joan has exactly the same job. She has the same skills as Margaret; the same amount of work, and similar people she’s working with. However, she never feels under pressure. She does what she can, works with enthusiasm, integrity, and diligence; and what she can’t manage, she is honest about.
She simply tells her colleagues and superiors, in a calm, kind way what she is able to do, and what she can’t fit in — without feeling guilty, incompetent, judged, or stressed.
The Difference?
Margaret’s life experiences have created references in her subconscious that she isn’t good enough, people expect more than she can give, life is a struggle, and she is in danger if she doesn’t life up to expectations. While she consciously doesn’t believe this, her subconscious has no ability to reason or use logic; it also overrides her conscious mind because it is the security system.
On the other hand, Joan’s life experiences have created references in her subconscious that she is strong, capable, and likeable; and that there’s nothing wrong with being honest about what she can and cannot do. These references also provide evidence that life is easy-going, that everything always works out, and that as long as she is genuinely doing her best, those around her will understand — and, most importantly, that it doesn’t matter if they don’t.
Two very different experiences under the same circumstances — based on what each person holds as proof of their reality inside their subconscious.
How to Change Your Experience of Being Under Pressure
Think about when you feel under pressure — think about the things or people that seem to cause the pressure. Notice how you feel, then start using theFasterEFT Technique to address that feeling. Once the intensity has reduced a little, go back and try to remember where you’ve felt that same feeling in the past — the earlier, the better.
If you don’t have any memories of feeling that feeling in the past, don’t worry, just continue using the technique on your current feeling. Notice how you know you feel pressured, and keep repeating the FasterEFT process until you have completelyflipped that feeling.
If you do have memories of feeling the same pressure in the past (it may not be regarding the same topics, but the feeling may be the same) use the technique to address and flip each of those memories. Then go back to your current situation, and test to see if you still feel the same.
Notice what’s still there, and then continue to use the FasterEFT technique to flip it. Don’t stop until the feeling and the way you represent the situation has completely flipped.
Then, from now on, whenever you feel the feelings of pressure or stress, use FasterEFT in the moment to tap out those feelings and flip them. Use Mental Tapping if you can’t tap physically for some reason. You need never feel stressed and under pressure again!
For more information on how the subconscious records are created, and how they affect daily life, read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems and How to Change Your Reality.
For detailed guidance on using the technique, read: The FasterEFT Technique — Step-by-Step.
To watch Robert G. Smith (founder of FasterEFT) explain how the mind works, and to see him demonstrating the process on others, visit: The FasterEFT YouTube Channel.
Article by: Robert G. Smith
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